list of fun things to do involving water

Aug, 06 For Fun

Guest Blogger – Jessica Aryan

It’s summertime. School is a month away but the long, hot dog days of summer are upon us. Your kids are complaining that they are bored. There is nothing to do. Don’t let them sit around and watch TV! Here is a list of fun wet things for kids of all ages to do that will keep them cool, entertained and, most importantly, active!

Our motto around here is The Wetter the Better!

list of fun things to do involving water |

  1. Play monkey in the middle with a water balloon
  2. Duck, Duck, Fish!* Play Duck, Duck Goose but instead of tapping someone dump a pail of cold water on her head!
  3. Have a jump rope contest … in the sprinkler!
  4. Create a water park! Strategically place a sprinkler in front of your swing set and slide!
  5. Batter Splatter! Replace all balls with water balloons and enjoy a different kind of batting practice!
  6. Have your kids wash your cars*!!!
  7. Play water-net sports! Set a net up with a sprinkler placed directly underneath play volleyball or badminton!
  8. If you have a pool, host your own Pool Olympics and compete in: diving, freestyle, relay, etc…
  9. Have a contest to see who can make the biggest Canon Ball Splash!
  10. Underwater search. Toss a bunch of items to the bottom of the pool. The fastest person wins!
  11. Create your own synchronized swim team* and choreograph a routine
  12. Play a Game of Marco Polo!
  13. Save the Baby! Get a doll (waterproof) and swim the length of the pool keeping the doll in the air. Do not let the doll fall in/touch the water!

* ideas borrowed from The American Girl Real Fitness Book

Jessica Ryan is a List Loving Mom who is admittedly better at writing them than following them. A former freelance writer, she decided to put the professional world on hold to raise her three entertaining kids. (Jessica often wonders why the job of parenting isn’t a freelance one. Her hours are never-ending and she can’t collect overtime, or any pay at all for that matter!) Jessica was dubbed by some of her friends as the Fairy Godmother, as she seemed to have all their (child-rearing) questions answered for them – She thinks she has them all fooled! Jessica has been blogging for about a year now, about her family and her life, documenting the good, the bad, and the funny!

Visit her blog, The Entertaining House, at

One response to “list of fun things to do involving water”

  1. Netta says:

    What fun ideas! Thanks. My kids’ favorite water play is probably the rare moments when Mommy gets into the tiny wading pool WITH them! (and of course that’s when all the neighbors happen to come outside…sigh!)


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