I look back at a journal that I keep by my bed to record the things my kids say or do. Sometimes when I go back through it, I am surprised. Those details that I was sure that I would never forget, I’ve forgotten! You think you’ll always remember those precious details, but sadly, you’ll remember very few unless you record them somehow. Here are some methods:

- Photo album (even just the kind where you slip the photo into a sleeve)
- Scrapbook (I am not fancy with my scrapbook. I don’t use any scrapping accessories, but I do like to journal on my pages.)
- Journal (one for the whole family or one for each kid)
- Audio cassettes (What are those? You’ll thank yourself for recording your little sweetie singing, “Twinkle, Twinkle” when she was just 2 years old.)
- Video recording (Be sure to use the date feature or get in the habit of announcing the date each time you video something or someone.)
- Online photo sharing sites (stores your digital photos and you can organize photos into albums by dates or activities; e.g., DotPhoto or Shutterfly)
- Blogs (personal blogs are a great way to share stories and photos with family and friends)
- Photo books (easy to create if you’ve been using an online photo sharing site; they make great gifts)
- Calendar (Get an inexpensive calendar printed with your family’s photos and even birthdays and special dates included. Jot a note about something special that happened each day. Be sure to save it.)
- Memory pages from ListPlanIt.com
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I try my hardest to record everything I can without missing current events/moments. I have a 7 yr old boy and a 17 month old girl.
* I take pictures like mad.
* For my paternal family I create a yearly calendar filled with everyones birthdays, pictures of the year, anniversaries, funny holidays, and FYI’s like graduations and upcoming events. Every family has their preset month that they look forward to every year. That is what I give for Christmas.
* I have a “Memory Box” where we throw in tickets, cards, invitations, Ribbons, etc.
* I keep a yearly photo album for each child.
* I have a binder of ART. The ones that are too big to save, I take a picture of it and put them on disk. I have even attempted to scan the art and add it to the disks. Space Saver*****
* I have baby books and 1st year calendars completely filled out for each child but I really have nothing to record on after that magical first year.
* I am currently working on a journal for each child, so that I remember the milestones that come after the baby book.
I am blogging it. I have a separate blog for each child and a family one. It is easier for me to do this than to scrapbook. I will have them made into books.
Using Random.org to randomly find a winner, the new owner of a Memories ePlanner from ListPlanIt.com is. . .
Great suggestions. Before my blog I wrote those things down on little pieces of paper.
I always make picture calendars for grandparents for Christmas gifts, they LOVE them!
Thanks for the list! I need to remember to get the video camera out more often
I make picture calendars every year for the grandparents and out of town relatives. They love it!
I forget about the video camera too often, though! Good list!
Great list!! I’m a list maker – have always been a list maker – will likely always be a list maker. I love your site!!
Thanks for visiting me – hope to see you again. Kellan
I have been a journaler for years and also do some scrapbooking. I have a ‘memory drawer’ in my dresser taht holds lots of memories.
Every person in our family has a “memory box”- a plastic under the bed storage box. Every once in a while they doodle ON it with a permanent marker and whatever they (or I) feel is something they might want to save or remember goes in the box. When said box is full it gets moved to storage closet and that person starts a new one. my oldest kids are on their third box- my little’s are on their second. Great idea for stuff that isn’t flat enough for a scrapbook and simple enough for even the busiest mom- I simply toss in papers, favortie “first” items of clothing, baby shoes, etc.
I do pretty much all of what you already said:
*yearly calendar for all family members
*journal (funny things or milestones)
*keep a few projects from each year of school
*pictures made into magnets
There are SO many options that sometimes I just get overwhelmed and do nothing!
I constantly have my video recorder as well as my camera out. I also have a hard time throwing anything away, like colors they’ve colored and craft project they’ve done.