It seems like everyone I know has someone sick at home right now. My son had 6 of the 14 children in his class out yesterday! This morning I got a call from the school nurse to come and pick up my daughter from school. As she dozes on my couch, I am desperately considering ways to be more vigilant about keeping those nasty germs contained.
Members to ListPlanIt will find the lists they need to organize a home and family for flu season in Family Matters. Not yet a member? Join today and be ready with hundreds of tools and resources.

Here are some ideas to keep your house, hopefully, sick-free!
- Just like your mom always told you, “Wash Your Hands”.
• Since I am the person in our house most likely to touch the sick person in our family the most often, as well as their cup and laundry and trash, I wash my hands CONSTANTLY when someone in our house is sick. Hot water and soap (and moisturizing lotion) are my best friends during sick days. - Keep your hands away from your face!
• I feel like I preach this to everyone in our house during flu season. (although it really is a good rule to go by anytime!) Every time you touch a door knob or a faucet or anything someone else has touched you have a chance of passing germs. Rub your germy hands in your eye or bite your nails and YUCK! - Invest in some disinfectants..
• During flu season I spurge on sanitizing wipes (I use the generic store brand). When someone is sick in our house, I am constantly wiping down door knobs, light switches, handles chairbacks and tabletops. I also try to remember the telephone, remote control, refrigerator handle and computer mouse. Use a new wipe for each item or you are just spreading around the germs!
• My girlfriend regularly uses wipes on her credit card and driver’s license during flu season. Think of all the people you hand these to. - No sharing!
• Assign each person their own glass, plates, silverware and towel. Thoroughly wash everything anyone uses in hot water and soap. - Laundry, laundry, laundry
• Use the hot water cycle (and don’t forget to wash your hands after throwing everything in the washer)
• Change bedding and towels often.
• Read the directions on how to clean your pillow
• Don’t forget blankets and comforters too!
• Do people cuddle up in blankets while they watch television on the family room couch?- wash it! - Clean the bathroom everyday when someone is sick.
• Bathrooms are warm, moist places where germs love to hang out. - Clean or replace everyone’s toothbrushes
• If you can’t bear to throw away everyone’s toothbrush, at least boil it in some water or disinfect it in peroxide to kill some of the germs. I even run them through the dishwasher with the utensils. - Don’t forget to clean the thermometer
• Try wiping it down with alcohol after each use or putting it in a small glass of peroxide. - Become friends with bleach.
• Bleach is a surefire way to kill germs.
• Be careful…it will stain clothes and eat away at delicate materials….dilute with hot water.
What are your tips for keeping germs at bay when someone in your home is sick?
these are wonderful tips! I am so glad you came by my blog during UBP cause I am in love with this site! I am a list maker too, but not as organized as I wish I could be. Going to come back here more often and keep browsing your site full of lists!
[…] List of Ways to Clean Your House to Control Illness {List PlanIt Blog } Jen aka List Mama has put together an awesome list to keep those pesky sickness germs away with simple yet effective tips. […]
Very nice tips to remain athletic and its always said precaution is better then cure, so if one can take over this then am sure we can save our life in a better way.
Another one I have to constantly remind my husband is when the kids are sick but still have an appetite is to NOT eat what’s left on their plate. He forever wants to finish the food on the kids plates because he feels its wasting food but that’s a perfect way to spread germs! Hand sanitizer is our friend in this house.