When winter temperatures drop below freezing, staying warm and safe is vital. If you haven’t already, it is time to prepare for cold weather and and your family’s safety. It is a good idea to have a winter survival kit prepared before winter, but it is never too late. Depending on where you live, you may have to tailor items for your family’s winter survival kit. Store items in an easily accessible place that can be reached in the dark (in case of power failure).

Here are some items to consider for your Winter Home Emergency Kit:
- Food – Make sure that it requires no cooking or refrigeration in case there is a loss of power. Don’t forget the babies and pets. Also make sure to have a non-electric can opener to open canned goods.
- Water – At least 5 gallons per person, more if you are in an area prone to have long periods of cold temperatures.
- Medicines – Extra medicine for anyone in the house on prescription medication.
- Heat – Have an alternate way to heat your home during a power failure such as a fireplace, woodstove or a kerosene heater. Store enough wood or kerosene to get through a long term power outage.
- Blankets
- Matches
- Fire Extinguisher
- First Aid Kit
- Flashlights or battery powered lanterns (don’t forget extra batteries)
- Battery powered clock
- Snow Shovel, if you live in an area with lots of snow
- Rock Salt
- Special needs items such as diapers
This post was written by Kristie Tadlock of Full Moon Survival. It is a family-owned and operated business helping you and your family be better prepared. They offer a variety of emergency kits, food storage, and survival supplies.