As each good planner has a place for a monthly calendar, weekly, and often daily planning pages, ListPlanIt would like to provide you with the pages you need to create your own planner. All you need is a binder, a hole punch, and pages from‘s Time Management section. You can create and customize your own planner for your own uses. The Month Ahead offers holidays*, special events*, and reminders to help you get and stay ahead of your business, home, and/or family life.
* holidays and special events are mainly those of the U.S. If you are from a different part of the world, feel free to note your holiday or special event below in the comments.

- 4/1/12 ( Tuesday) – April Fool’s Day
- 4/20/12 (Sunday) – Easter
- 4/21/12 (Monday) – Patriots’ Day (mainly celebrated in New England)
- 4/22/12 (Tuesday) – Earth Day
- 4/23/12 (Wednesday) – Administrative Professional Day
Special Events
- 4/15/12 (Tuesday) – Income Taxes Due
- Spring Break
Some places in the U.S. have spring break in April. Finalize plans if you are traveling somewhere. If you are sticking close to home, consider some fun activities to keep the kids busy. If travel is in the near future, find all you need to plan your trip in ListPlanIt‘s Travel Planning. - Prepare for Easter
Easter comes midway through April, so get started making your plans: spring clothing, holiday meal, family gathering. Members to will find event and holiday meal planning in Holidays & Occasions. - Prepare your Gardens and Yard
Have you started planning your garden yet? Growing a garden is a great excuse to get outside and save some money at the grocery store when you plant your own herbs, fruits, and veggies. Members to will find garden planning pages in Home Management.
What’s on your To Do List for April? Tell us in the comments below.