list of movies about students

I love movies! Movies set in school tend to be very inspirational. Sometimes they are just funny. They always give a nostalgic feeling and take me back to my own childhood. Here are my favorites: Lean on Me Dangerous Minds Freedom Writers Stand and Deliver Dead Poets’ Society Mr. Holland’s Opus School of Rock Grease […]

Jun, 13

list of mama’s favorite magazines

I have several magazines that I either subscribe to each year or check out at the library. These are favorites of mine and of my family. Family Fun Parenting Your Big Backyard National Geographic Kids Better Homes & Gardens Real Simple Downeast Magazine (We love Maine!) Cooking Light Country Home (my personal taste) Martha Stewart […]

May, 17

list of my favorite homemade cookies

I have definitely inherited my dad’s sweet tooth. A meal is not finished for me until I have had something sweet to top it off. One of my most favorite “specials” (as my family likes to call dessert) is homemade cookies. Here are some of my favorites: Monster Cookies (Oatmeal and peanut butter means this […]

May, 08

list of things to do with one free hour

What’s a free hour, right? I never thought it would happen to me, but now that my kids are getting a little older, I find myself with an occasional free hour. So with this list, I will be able to keep from squandering that precious time. Read a magazine. Get a pedicure. Browse slowly through […]

May, 04

list of ways to make may day special

I never celebrated May Day as a child, but now that I have my own children, it seems only right to celebrate the start of such a spectacular month! Make May Day baskets to hang on the neighbors doors. Decorate a Maypole and let the children run and skip around it. Visit a garden center […]

May, 01

lists of reasons why i LOVE fridays

Maybe it goes back to my school days. There is just an energy among a group of young people on Fridays. The weekend is coming! Then in my “working” life, I couldn’t wait to be home for the weekend, where I could sit in my pjs all day if I wanted. Today, as a SAHM, […]

Apr, 25

list of steps for letterboxing this spring and summer

If you have not discovered Letterboxing, then let me tell you about my family’s new favorite weekend adventure! Good citizens all over the U.S. and beyond have placed letterboxes in hidden places. Then create clues to help you find the letterboxes. It is similar to anther activity called Geo Caching, but I love that letterboxing […]

Apr, 13

list of best books for upper elementary aged children

I don’t have any children of this age yet. This list is just from books I have read myself or from recommendations from friends and reviews. Be sure to list your favorites in the comments. Bridge to Terabithia by Katherine Paterson Hoot by Carl Hiaasen The Harry Potter series by J.K. Rowling The Secret Garden […]

Apr, 04

list of best books for early elementary aged children

You may have to ease into chapter books for children. Maybe alternate between picture books and chapter books. Once they have caught on to creating pictures of the story in their mind, they will beg you for more! Charlotte’s Web by E.B. White Charlie and the Chocolate Factory by Roald Dahl Harriet the Spy by […]

Apr, 03

list of best books for pre-school aged children

There is no scientific way to measure the quality and readability of a book, but these are books that have both entertained and educated my children in the early years. The Very Hungry Caterpillar by Eric Carle Green Eggs and Ham by Dr. Seuss Where the Wild Things Are by Maurice Sendak Blueberries for Sal […]

Apr, 02

list of mamas’ most used daily expressions

There are just certain phrases that tend to be repeated over and over each and every day. Here are some of my most common (and I’m willing to bet you’ve said most of these today, too!). Please, be sweet to your brother! What do you want to eat/for snack? PJs do not go on the […]

Mar, 26

list of ways you can use maple syrup

Yesterday was Maine Maple Sunday! Sugarhouses all over Maine opened their doors to the public to demonstrate how maple syrup is made. After tasting the delicious maple ice cream they were offering, I wondered what else I could do with maple syrup. Click on the recipes below to discover all the ways you can use […]

Mar, 24

list of items for your spring toybox

Here are a few items that everyone’s Spring toybox should hold. Start collecting now and by the time hot weather arrives, your kids will be eager to go out and play. Kite Frisbee Kickball or soccerball 4 orange cones (for instant goals) Tennis balls Whiffle ball and bat Waterguns (one for each child) Jump ropes […]

Mar, 21

list of ways to celebrate the first day of spring

Here in Maine, Spring is a celebration of survival from the winter months. We have just spent 3 very challenging months buried in the snow.  New life has begun or will begin soon.  There is much to begin to consider, prepare, and accomplish in the upcoming seasons. Members to ListPlanIt will find the lists they […]

Mar, 20

list of traditional easter activities

Anybody who has ever celebrated Easter or another variation of a spring holiday has probably participated in one of the following activities. Start now by planning your family’s fun for this upcoming weekend. Easter baskets prepared Easter parade in various cities OR have your own! Egg hunt Religious service/ceremony Easter dinner with family and friends […]

Mar, 19

list of decisions to make for your easter meal

If you can decide on these basics, then finding the right recipes should be a snap. It helps to have a clear plan before you start to fill in the details. Brunch or lunch? Ham or lamb? Roasted or scalloped potatoes? Green beans or asparagus? Leafy green or fruit salad? Loaf of bread or dinner […]

Mar, 18

list of memorable family rituals

Each family has a ritual that is special to every member. You might participate in certain rituals daily, weekly, monthly, or even yearly. For more information, check out my eHow article about How to Develop Family Rituals. Religious services/ceremonies Family dinnertime Reading at bedtime Holiday celebrations Chores Trips to the same spot every year Family […]

Mar, 11

list of really useful websites

The Internet is amazing, but overwhelming. This list of sites covers a wide array of interests, and each site listed can give you the information that you need without having to spend your valuable time searching and searching. Network for – An easy way to give to all of your favorite charities in one […]

Feb, 16

list of reasons why i love you, trey

You are tenacious.When you want something, you go get it. You were willing to travel halfway across the world with me – and I love how much you LOVED it! You still know how to make me laugh so hard my face hurts. You never stopped opening the car door for me when it is […]

Feb, 14

list of get-to-know-you questions to ask your love

Ask these questions over dinner on Valentine’s Day. Get your children involved as well for a fun way of family bonding. You may think you know their answers, but you may be surprised! What is your favorite book? What is your favorite movie? What is your favorite game? What is your favorite childhood memory? What […]

Feb, 13

list of conversation heart messages

Candy hearts with messages on them aren’t just for kids, and sometimes they’re a fun way to express your feelings to your loved ones. If you’re feeling extra creative, you could make heart-shaped cookies and write these messages on them with frosting or pieces of candy! Traditional 1. Love You 2. Call Me 3. Dream […]

Feb, 11

list of romantic movies for valentine’s day

These movies will give you a good excuse to snuggle up on the couch with your significant other this Valentine’s Day (or any other night). Gone With the Wind (1939) An Affair to Remember (1957) Love Story (1970) An Officer and a Gentleman (1982) Dirty Dancing (1987) When Harry Met Sally (1989) Say Anything (1989) Pretty Woman (1990) […]

Feb, 03

list of things my 5-year-old boy loves

Do you have a young child, or looking for gift ideas for a young child?  All kids have their own interests, but this list of what my little boy likes is, in my opinion, pretty typical of most children his age. 1.Reptiles (living ones like snakes and alligators) 2.Reptiles (extinct ones like any kind of […]

Jan, 30

list of books to get you through the winter

The winter months can be long, cold and sometimes boring.  Having a list of interesting, well-written books to read will make the time spent inside more enjoyable, and maybe you won’t mind being cooped up if you have a good read to crack open with a steaming mug of cocoa or tea.  This list should […]

Jan, 24

list of ways to beat cabin fever

Moms (and children) get antsy when cooped up in the winter months, too! Unless you are fortunate enough to live in a warm climate, January is a tough month for most of us. We’ve already experienced a lot of cold and maybe a lot of snow, and we are facing another 2, possibly 3, more […]

Jan, 23


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