When ListPlanIt started in 2007, it afforded me a opportunity to meet a lot of people online. Over the past 6 years, I have “met” so many excellent writers and thinkers. I am pleased to say that I have worked with many of the top organizing and home managing bloggers today. You very likely know many of these, but in case you don’t, I would like to be the first person to introduce you to them. Bookmark this post. Make your way, one by one, through this list of blogs. Stay at each blog for a visit. Browse through their excellent, insightful posts. Learn. Soak in the inspiration. Interact with readers, who are very likely just like you (and me). Enjoy.

- Simple Mom – Tsh’s blog burst onto the blogosphere back in 2008 with well-written, honest, and practical advice and tips. I think Tsh and I are kindred spirits because we both strive to simplify and we both have a passion for travel.
- Org Junkie – Laura’s Menu Plan Monday is what first attracted my attention to this blog. I love planning a menu before grocery shopping and I loved reading all of the menu ideas by her readers.
- Life your Way – Mandi started out with Organizing your Way but grew to a whole collection of blogs in short time. She has 4 girls and another child on the way. That’s pretty impressive, if you ask me.
- 100 Days of Real Food – I originally found Lisa’s blog when it came to my attention that there was another 100 Days out there. But I subscribe to her emails and love the real food tips and advice that she puts out daily.
- Keeper of the Home – I’ve worked with Stephanie several times over the past few years. There is not a sweeter, more authentic person out there, I think. Her blog focuses on keeping a home, making nutritious meals, and raising a family. She has recently embarked on a 54-week journey around the world with her family (which includes 4 children).
- A Bowl Full of Lemons – A bright blog with lots of homemaking inspiration.
- One Good Thing by Jillee – I first discovered Jill’s blog while searching for some homemade dishwashing and laundry detergent recipes. She does a great job of including photographs and makes her instructions so clear.
- Organizing Made Fun – Making organizing fun is what Organizing Made Fun is all about. I love Becky’s honest and sensible ideas.
- Ask Anna – I’ve worked with Anna several times and she is always so kind and so real. I love her enthusiasm for homemaking tasks and order.
- iHeart Organizing – Jen’s blog is so colorful and fun. It is enough to inspire you to action in your home.
- The Organized Mom – Sarah is an organized mom with a focus on family and money-saving tips.
- Mom Advice – Amy’s forum was one of the first that I ever joined. She no longer has a forum, but she has a thriving Facebook community. Her blog posts focus on family life and always have a colorful photo.