The life of an adult is multi-faceted and complex. It takes a lot of balls in the air to keep up this juggling act, and sometimes we let one (or more) slip. That is what I love about a new year. It is an opportunity to evaluate what areas of our lives matter at present, what needs improvement, what is unnecessary, and what might be an enrichment to ourselves and to our families.
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- Business – Whether you are starting a business, a business owner, or are helping a friend in business, think about your goals. What will you try to accomplish this year?
- Family – Is your family on course? Are you communicating, spending quality time together, and working as a team? No family is perfect. Talk to each other about what needs improvement in your family life.
- Finances – When is the last time you evaluated your finances? Do you have a budget? Is your budget for 2010 consistent with your needs for 2011? Take a look and make the necessary adjustments to suit your goals: more saving, more debt relief, more consultation.
- Friends – We all know the value of a good friend. I love the song sung at camp and Girls Scouts, “Make new friends, but keep the old. One is silver and the other gold.” Set goals to be the best friend you can be in 2011.
- Health – After taking care of everyone around else, sometimes we need a wake up call in order to take care of ourselves. Let this be your wake up call. Whether you need to decrease this year’s diet, increase this year’s exercise, or schedule that long-overdue doctor appointment, vow to be good to yourself and set goals to be kind to your body.
- Home – Maybe every year you say you are going to complete a project on your house. Take a look around, and with a careful eye, note the things that you might be able to achieve this year.
- Leisure – While it may be counter-intuitive to set goals for leisure time, the important thing to do in this section is to schedule time for leisure. Note what time of day, week, or month you might be able to carve out for yourself.
- Projects – A project is a hobby activity that has a beginning and an end. Do you have a stack of projects that you would like to start, but lack the initiative to take the first step? Do you have a stack of projects that you have already started, but can’t find the motivation to complete them? This is your chance to set accomplishable goals in the new year.
- Recreation – Recreation can be an active hobby or a new experience. Don’t just dream about learning to ski, do it! Don’t just wish you could join the women’s volleyball league, make a call.
- Spirituality – No matter your current spiritual state, spirituality is a healthy and enriching practice. Set goals to discover or enhance your spiritual life this year.
- Travel – Travel is an enjoyment and an education. You gain an empathy and a knowledge of a place just when setting foot there. So travel often! Travel far and wide. Imagine if we all felt connected to each other. Think of amazing cultures there are in the world. (my personal plug for travel)
- Work – You don’t have to have your own business to feel invested in your work. Anything you do to invest a significant portion of your day should be considered for growth and personal satisfaction. Create goals for making the most of your work, for yourself and for those around you.
What areas will you devote more time and energy to in the new year? What areas would be best put on the back burner?