As you buy and organize supplies for your your child’s new school year, take a moment to think if YOU are prepared for Back-To-School as well (I am talking about being materially ready, not emotionally ready…we’ll save that for a later post). Most homes have a central spot in their kitchen or on the main floor where kids and parents store (and search for) things they need before and after school. Here is a list of things you may want to inventory in order to be stocked and ready for the new school routine.

- Pencils, Pencils, Pencils
• If you prefer classic wooden pencils, be sure to keep a supply of pencil top erasers handy, too.
• If mechanical pencils are your thing, then be sure to buy extra lead and extra erasers (if possible). - Pencil Sharpener
• Electric pencil sharpeners are the best, but they do die.
• I always have some of those little plastic sharpeners (ALWAYS get the kind with the top that holds in the shavings). - Permanent Black Markers
• I use these all the time to label things for my children (including their jackets and lunchboxes).
• After a sad event involving my 2 year old and her new white flower girl dress, I keep these OUT of reach (or at least out of sight) from little hands. - A Highlighter
• Helpful to highlight important items on calendars, school newsletters or lunch menus. - Pens
• Sometimes a pencil just won’t do. - Paper Clips
• Perfect for bookmarking pages in textbooks or for attaching notes to homework.
• Also, they are useful for entertaining as a necklace making project to my little one when helping an older sibling with her math homework. - Stapler and Staples
- Three Hole Punch
• Preferably the type that holds the punch-out holes. - LOTS of scotch tape
- Envelopes
• I always use the security type because I often use them to send in lunch or field trip money - Post It Notes
• Great for attaching notes to teachers.
• Also makes great bookmarks. - Pads of paper
• For those times when a post-it note just does not provide enough space. - Scissors
• A few kid sized, if needed, and a spare adult pair hidden with my permanent marker stash - Index Cards
• Perfect for making flashcards or quick lists. - Scrap paper
• Last year I began cutting into fourths all the papers that came home from school that we didn’t need anymore (duplicate lunch menus, math practice sheets, etc).
• Now we have a stack of scrap paper in a handy, easy access spot. - A few dollars and some change
• I never seem to have cash in my wallet on the mornings when I need it most.
• Replace what you use as soon as possible so you’re ready the next time.
What’s included in your stock for back to school?
