list of essentials to pack for your child’s sleepover

My 8-year-old daughter has been on a number of sleepovers and on almost every one of them, she has forgotten to pack a pretty important item.  I think part of the problem is that I have just made packing her responsibility.  I tell her to pack a bag with a change of clothes and then just rely on the truth that, technically, all she truly needs for this sleepover is a place to lay her head.  However, I have found it a little embarrassing that when I go to pick her up, I’m told that she’s had to use her finger to brush her teeth or borrow her friends pajamas.  As I dropped her off this afternoon to sleep at her friend’s house, I realized how handy a list would be both for my girl’s sense of independence and for my peace of mind.

  • Pajamas
  • Change of clothes (top, bottoms, underwear, socks)
  • Toothbrush, toothpaste
  • Lovey (such as a blankie or teddy bear)
  • Pillow
  • Sleeping bag
  • Current book (for downtime or quiet time)
  • Telephone number

Who packs for your child’s sleepovers?  Have you ever forgotten something important?

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Jennifer Tankersley: