list of exciting things happening here

You may have noticed (or not) that List Mama has not been terribly consistent with posts in the past couple of weeks. Well, there are exciting things brewing around here that have kept me from posting as often as I would like. Just to keep you in the loop, here is what is happening.

list of exciting things happening here |

  1. ListPlanIt and List Mama Blog are merging soon. They are both getting a cool new look and will be found together on WordPress. They will operate in much the same way, but will be snazzier! (Weekly To Do List to stay on track)
  2. I am preparing to travel to Florida to show off ListPlanIt and its many uses at the National Association of Professional Organizers (NAPO) Conference at the end of April. There is much to do to be ready. If you will be attending the conference, be sure to stop by booth #109 for something special! (Trade Show Planner, Packing List)
  3. Anniversaries abound in May! My sister’s 11th anniversary to her high school sweetheart is first. Then on the 7th, I will celebrate my 15th anniversary with my love and best friend. My parents will celebrate 40 years of marriage later in the month. And on the 9th, ListPlanIt will turn 2 years old! (May calendar, Birthdays/Anniversaries to Remember)
  4. Mother’s Day weekend will find me planning our Cinco de Mayo party and running in my 2nd 5K of the year. (Exercise Goals)
  5. My baby will be turning 4 in about 1 month so it is time to start planning our family celebration of Claire. (Birthday Planner, Grocery List, Gift List)

Good thing for lists! I have so many that I am referring to in my wonderful Notebinder. I listed them above in parentheses. Don’t give up on List Mama. Be sure to keep checking back – especially in the next week. You’ll want to be among the first to see our new look and enter for one of the great prizes we’ll be offering to kick off our Grand re-Launching!

10 responses to “list of exciting things happening here”

  1. Looks FABULOUS!!! Love it Jenn! Congrats and your hard work has definitely paid off!

    Jessica Ryan´s last blog post..Bloggie Award

  2. HEATHER says:

    I was emailed a new password 2 different times but I still am unable to log on. Am I doing something wrong?

    HEATHER´s last blog post..Shhhh…..

  3. Daniel says:

    Great job with the site. Fine example of WordPress customisation.

  4. Tricia Gardner says:

    I am so loving the new look.

  5. Megan@Disorder2Order says:

    I am SO BUMMED that I won’t be in Orlando… I hope conference goes well for you! Enjoy it (I always do).

  6. Elliott - 21st Century Dad says:

    Wow! Lots of great things going on.

    I know you’ll enjoy using WordPress and spending time in Florida.

  7. Marci @OvercomingBusy says:

    So excited for you! Lots of good things happening! Love your site now. Can’t wait to see the new version!

  8. EChristyBA says:

    Jen- I am so excited for you! We’ll be watching for the changes… and you enjoy FL – I hope the conference is good for you!!

  9. EntertainingMom says:

    sounds like a great list to me!
    keep us updated over at WordPress… i went over but didn’t love it and came back to blogger, but I think I was not technologically savvy enough to take advantage of all that WP had to offer… Anyhow, can’t wait to see the new site!!

  10. Kelli says:

    I am so excited! I have checked your site every day and will continue to do so! Congrats!!


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