Weigh In Wednesday. . . Today, I could really use your help. Although I have had 3 babies, it doesn’t take long before you begin to forget what was really useful during those days (and nights) of constant feedings, diaper changes, and lullabies. What baby items did you use for your babies that would make great gifts for new arrivals? I’ll start with my favorite. . .

- Books – I loved reading to my children the beautiful Karen Katz board books, all Eric Carle books, and the book that brought tears to my eyes nearly every time – Guess How Much I Love You by Sam McBratney. – List Mama
- I love (and constantly used…) burp cloths. But, I was picky…they had to be cute burp cloths. www.etsy.com has some adorable ones. – Jaclyn
- Swaddle blankets-my son wouldn’t sleep without one for the first 3 months! – Cassie
- For new moms I give a gift basket of infant medicines & lotions, ear thermometer,cute band-aids,etc. Moms don’t know what they need yet. Throw in a bottle of wine for the parents! – Allison Spitzer Carter
- Our favorite gift was diapers!!! Our daughter is 10 months old and we have yet to buy any diapers because we got so many! That is our go to gift for baby showers now! – czstout
- One of the favorite gifts I got was a package of diapers in every one of the first 4 sizes. If I suddenly found that the size 1 diapers didn’t fit I had a small package of size 2s in the closet! When I wasn’t sure if I should switch from size 2 to size 3 I was able to pull one out and see exactly which one fit better.
- As a formula feeding mom of twins…the best thing I ever got was a Quick Stir Pitcher from Pampered Chef. Not the typical baby item…but oh so handy for mixing powdered formula! – Junebug69
- I would suggest diapers and wipes, put into the style of a HUGE diaper cake they are even better! – Eve
- We always buy a taggie (http://www.taggie.com/home_us.html) – Scrappin’ Michele
- We bought my son and his wife for their baby just born this past Oct (my first grandchild) a baby monitor, diapers, breast pump and one of those sound machines women like to listen to in peace and quiet – it plays river noise, ocean, wilderness, and white noise – I planned on giving this to my daughter-in-law and then found out when the baby was colicky and the sound of running water calmed him down – I brought this out and turned it on for him – he stopped crying immediately – amazing! – Kathy
- My wife and I have no children, so we try to purchase more practical gifts for children like tech stocks and savings bonds.
We once had a paver block ingraved with a newborn’s name to be placed at the new local library. That’s the gift that will keep giving for many years to come – something they can be proud of.
I don’t suggest naming a star after a child – that one didn’t go over too well. – Brethart77 - My favorite things to receive when expecting a new baby are practical things – tissues, laundry detergent, and money! With three kids, I don’t need baby blankets and bibs anymore…I need things the whole family can use. – Cindy
- Jen, my favorite thing was a sling. After Isaac outgrew the sling I received for a shower gift, I had a new one made to accomodate his size. It’s even a good gift for non-nursing moms because when I did housework, etc., I had free hands. It’s the #1 gift in my opinion. – Sarah (my friend since I was 4, comment submitted via Facebook)
- We give Dr. Sear’s The Baby Book to first-time parents. It was a great reference for us, especially in the middle of the night when our son had croup!! – Amanda
Please leave your suggestions in the comments and I will add them to the list above. Thanks for “weighing in”!
Food. Frozen casseroles, gift certificates, shopping coupons. We didn’t get it for our baby, but when we got married one of the most useful gifts we got was a gift card to Costco. It stocked our pantry and fridge. As a new mom I would have found that helpful as well.
My favorite things to receive when expecting a new baby are practical things – tissues, laundry detergent, and money! With three kids, I don’t need baby blankets and bibs anymore…I need things the whole family can use.
Diaper cakes are the best of both worlds! Lots of disposable diapers and other cute gifts that are usually used to decorate the diaper cake.
My wife and I have no children, so we try to purchase more practical gifts for children like tech stocks and savings bonds.
We once had a paver block ingraved with a newborn’s name to be placed at the new local library. That’s the gift that will keep giving for many years to come – something they can be proud of.
I don’t suggest naming a star after a child – that one didn’t go over too well.
We bought my son and his wife for their baby just born this past Oct (my first grandchild) a baby monitor, diapers, breast pump and one of those sound machines women like to listen to in peace and quiet – it plays river noise, ocean, wilderness, and white noise – I planned on giving this to my daughter-in-law and then found out when the baby was colicky and the sound of running water calmed him down – I brought this out and turned it on for him – he stopped crying immediately – amazing!
We always buy a taggie
I would suggest diapers and wipes, put into the style of a HUGE diaper cake they are even better!
As a side not- my blog is giving away the daddy diaper changing toolbox that is VERY cute, comes with things like tongs for the diaper! (But did not put that in the suggestion as I think diapers are MY number one favorite!) LOL
One of the favorite gifts I got was a package of diapers in every one of the first 4 sizes. If I suddenly found that the size 1 diapers didn’t fit I had a small package of size 2s in the closet! When I wasn’t sure if I should switch from size 2 to size 3 I was able to pull one out and see exactly which one fit better.
as a formula feeding mom of twins…the best thing I ever got was a Quick Stir Pitcher from Pampered Chef. Not the typical baby item…but oh so handy for mixing powdered formula!
Our favorite gift was diapers!!! Our daughter is 10 months old and we have yet to buy any diapers because we got so many! That is our go to gift for baby showers now!
For new moms I give a gift basket of infant medicines & lotions, ear thermometer,cute band-aids,etc. Moms don't know what they need yet.
Throw in a bottle of wine for the parents!
Swaddle blankets-my son wouldn’t sleep without one for the first 3 months!
I love (and constantly used…) burp cloths. But, I was picky…they had to be cute burp clothes. http://www.etsy.com has some adorable ones.