list of fun ideas for labor day weekend

The official, unofficial end of summer is this weekend. Many people get a long weekend to make it even more sweet. What I love about holidays is that it takes an ordinary weekend and gives us a reason to make it memorable! Don’t let this weekend pass you by without taking an opportunity to do something extraordinary. Here is a list of things to look for or try.

  • Parade – Take a look at the events going on in your community and you might just find a parade.  Parades mean license to gawk, people watch, and blend into your community.
  • Camping – Make a reservation at a favorite campground nearby or take a short drive to explore a new location. Camping is cheap and a great way to connect as a family without all of the gadgets that steal our attention (unless your campground has wi-fi).
  • Swimming – Even though we live in Maine where it cools down quickly, we’ve had such hot end-of-summer weather.  It will be a good weekend to head to the beach. If you don’t have a beach nearby, then try the swimming pool.
  • Picnic – I remember watching Mickey Mouse when I was a kid and the picnic basket that Minnie Mouse packed still makes my mouth water just thinking about it! Food never tastes so good as it does when you are outdoors. Try crusty bread, deviled eggs, crackers & cheese, a variety of fruit, and some ice cold lemonade.
  • Hiking or Letterboxing – I love getting exercise outdoors with my family and a new trail or park always excites me. There is no better way to discover new places in your area than to try letterboxing. You’ll follow clues that will take you to places you didn’t know existed – even in your hometown!
  • Barbeque – While many would argue that Americans do not have much of a food culture of their own, I say that one of our best examples would be a summer holiday barbeque. What child does not have a memory of hamburgers or hot dogs on the grill, chips, and watermelon during festive summer holidays? Make some potato salad. Add a new seasoning to the burgers. Celebrate with just your family or invite the neighborhood for a potluck.

How will you celebrate this Labor Day weekend?

Jennifer Tankersley: