list of halloween movies to watch in october

Now that my children are 7, 5, and 3, they are now starting to broaden their interest in movies. Once, they would only watch a movie if it were 1) animated, 2) had animals in it, and 3) in no way scary. About a year ago, we successfully watched our first movie that didn’t follow the normal rules. Ever since then, we’ve committed ourselves (as much as possible) to Family Flick Friday. We all curl up on the sofa together and enjoy trying new movies. Here are some family movies for you to try, if you dare, during the month of October.

list of halloween movies to watch in october |

1. Wallace & Gromit – The Curse of the Were-Rabbit (Widescreen Edition), G
2. Casper (Full Screen Special Edition), PG
3. Beetlejuice (20th Anniversary Deluxe Edition), PG
4. The Nightmare Before Christmas (2-Disc Collector’s Edition + Digital Copy), PG
5. Hocus Pocus, PG
6. Harry Potter, PG
7. Monster House (Fullscreen), PG
8. The Little Vampire, PG
9. The Haunted Mansion (Widescreen Edition), PG
10. Addams Family, PG-13

What are your favorite fall/Halloween movies?

7 responses to “list of halloween movies to watch in october”

  1. […] List of Halloween Movies to Watch in October […]

  2. Brethart77 says:

    I really enjoy a movie from New Zealand called, “Black Sheep” on Halloween.

  3. Mama Zen says:

    My daughter is absolutely crazy about The Nightmare Before Christmas!

  4. aGibby says:

    We just watched Monster House last night, the kids loved it and so did I. Some of the Goosebumps movies are good ones as well.

  5. T with Honey says:

    That is a really good list of movies for this month.

    Here’s some other movie ideas. We picked up a used copy of Monsters, Inc at the library to watch this month. I can’t wait till Princess is older and I can introduce her to another great classic for October… Ghostbusters!

  6. (fairy) Godmother says:

    Ok Jenn, your list has one very serious flaw… how could you forget about Charlie Brown’s ghost and Linus’ desire to wait up all night for the Great Pumpkin?! It’s The Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown tops this family’s list!

  7. Debbie says:

    I love your lists!

    Although we are huge Harry Potter fans, Hocus Pocus is our all time favorite Halloween movie followed by Disney’s Halloween-town movie series.


So you can get your list on.

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