Getting out for some adult conversation and entertainment is heavenly. We live half a country away from our nearest relatives so we depend on people from our community when we need to leave children at home. Whether you are lucky enough to live near family who can babysit or have searched out a local teen or friend for your babysitting needs, leaving some instructions will give you peace of mind and will leave the babysitter with a clear idea of expectations.

ListPlanIt has a printable Babysitter Instructions page (in Family Matters) that you can simply print and fill in. Then store it in a babysitter file for future reference. Not yet a member? Join today and be ready for your next date night or night out with the girls.
- Contact Information
Leave telephone numbers for
• Mom’s cell
• Dad’s cell
• an emergency contact
• your child(ren)’s doctor
• 911 - Children
• Leave names and ages.
• Be sure to note allergies, medications, and any special needs or atypical behaviors. - Useful Information
• List the predicted time of return.
• Suggest meal ideas, if babysitter is required during meal times.
• Suggest snack and/or drink ideas. Children can be very cunning at convincing a babysitter that they are allowed to drink soda from the bottle, for example.
• Set guidelines for TV, computer, or video games. List amount of time allowed and programming allowed.
• Suggest parent-approved activities for indoor or outdoor fun. - Layout Bedtime Routine, if applicable
• Pick up toys.
• Give a bath, if necessary.
• Diaper baby and dress for bed.
• Put the day’s clothes in the hamper.
• Big kid(s) use potty. Wash hands.
• Brush Teeth
• Read ________ books or for ________ minutes.
• Give child(ren) Lovey objects.
• Check Nightlight.
• Leave on light in _____________.
• Shut the door / Leave door Open.
• Tell them we love them & wish them sweet dreams!
How often do you use a babysitter? What instructions do you find necessary to leave with your babysitter(s)?