I don’t know about you, but this Mama could use a vacation! For those of you who visit List Mama Blog frequently, you might be thinking, “I thought she just went on vacation?” Well, my question is this: should taking 3 kids (ages 6, 5 and 3) by yourself to stay with your parents in Kansas for 10 days count as a vacation? Sure, it cost about as much as a real vacation, but somehow I missed out on what usually makes a vacation. I am so glad I was able to get back to the place of my youth, but now I am longing for some adventure and some new sights. Maybe all I really want after 4 days of our first real taste of summer vacation is a little break from my wonderful, but truly active, children. Here are the places to which I’ll be traveling in my mind over the next month and a half:

- Any place tropical – I love the beach, but I also want a place that has a fascinating history and culture. I would prefer a tour of an ancient civilization or a demonstration of the lifestyle of an indigenous people.
- Europe – I have had the honor to have visited many European countries and it would be a great pleasure to return to any of them. I would willingly sacrifice food in order to have enough money to visit the Musee de Orsay in Paris or the Galleria dell’Accademia in Florence.
- Family Resort – Let me clarify, childcare MUST be included! I would love to take a hike with my children and then head to the “activity center” where they will be treated to supervised play and games. Then I will make my way to a lovely massage.
- Disney World – The thing that makes me happiest is usually whatever makes my children happiest. We have not yet had the opportunity to take our children to any Disney park, but I dream of the day that we get to experience that.
- National Park Tour – Someday I hope to rent an RV and completely circle the U.S. stopping at each national park for a few days.
What is your idea of the perfect travel itinerary? With or without children?

I would say your suspicions are correct! Sadly, any money allotted for “vacation” was taken by my “trip”!
i have learned that there is a BIG difference between a family trip and a family vacation. I suspect your trip to Kansas was a trip!
I’m with you on the beach. I wish I was in Aruba right now! I went there on our honeymoon and it was fabulous.