list of manners children should be encouraged to use at home

Home should be a safe environment. Children and parents should be allowed to let down their guard and be themselves. However, there are still behaviors that should be encouraged and even expected while in the confines of the family home.

list of manners children should be encouraged to use at home |

  • Never expect someone to clean up after you. This is a hard one for both parents and children alike, because of the patterns formed from birth.
  • Always knock before opening a closed door.
  • Bathroom talk belongs in the bathroom.
  • Ask permission before you use someone else’s things. Show respect to your family by respecting their things.
  • Sharing with your loved ones is polite. Stinginess among family should not be acceptable.
  • If you want respect, you must give respect (that rule is for both children and parents alike).
  • If you want respect, you must be respectable (that rule is for both children and parents alike).
  • Remember the magic words: please, thank you, excuse me.
  • Even family members need some personal space. Try to keep hands to one’s self.
  • Taking turns during conversation or games. Learning patience is an important life skill.

What rules do your family practice in your home?

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3 responses to “list of manners children should be encouraged to use at home”

  1. Brethart77 says:

    A huge one in my family…* If you know someone that has come to the door ALWAYS invite them in and offer them a drink or snack.”

    * When entering someone’s home always ask if you should remove your shoes.”

    * When dishing out food for yourself and someone else, always let them decide which one they want.”

  2. Sarina says:

    You’ve just received the Honest Scrap Award!

    Click here to grab the image and the rules.

  3. the7gerbers says:

    Great list! We always say in our house that obedience that is not cheerful AND immediate, is not obedience.


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