list of morning madness expectations for children

This morning, I had a revelation. I have always told myself that when the children get a little older that I would add responsibilities. I have always believed in working hard and being efficient and getting things done for yourself. For some reason, I have not allowed my children to experience those things as much as I should have by now. My oldest is 8, then 6, then 4. Their primary responsibilities lie in feeding and watering our dog, cleaning their rooms when I ask them to, and putting their clothes away after I’ve made piles for them on my bed. I realized this morning as I was quickly working through one morning task to the next and as they were eating breakfast peacefully and finding time to color that there could definitely be more of a balance.  Parents tend to be protective of their children, which is my explanation for why I pack their backpacks in the morning with everything they need for the day.  I believe it is time for me to let go of some of that control (because that is what it comes down to – my need to be in control) and allow my children to shine (or fail)!  Here is a list of some new expectations I am going to be trying out on my children in the next few weeks before Christmas break.

  • Pour your own cereal, get your own yogurt from the refrigerator, boil your own water for oatmeal, or make your own toast.  I need to set up little stations so they can work without stepping all over each other.
  • Pack your own lunch/snack.  This is hard because I have always chosen healthy options, but I think I will give them 2 or 3 choices and then allow them to choose and then pack it away.
  • Pack your own backpack.  I am trying out Get Your Gear Cards for a Preschooler and a Grade Schooler.  I think these cards will be just the thing my children need to feel confident about packing their own backpacks.
  • Brush your teeth and hair.  I would love to have a morning where I don’t have to remind my children to do this (about a million times).
  • Get dressed immediately after breakfast.  My children usually head straight for the table where they will get out paper and a pencil or crayons and begin to draw.  While I hate stifling their creativity, there is a place and time for drawing – and it is surely not right before school.
  • Make beds and put clothes away.  A made bed always tends to make a room look neat and tidy.  It only takes a minute to pull the covers up and put clothes in drawers.

What are your children’s morning expectations?  Do you feel they do enough, or do you feel like they could hand more responsibilities?

Jennifer Tankersley:

View Comments (8)

  • I learned that our mornings go smoother when my kids get dressed BEFORE breakfast! Dressed, teeth brushed, and bags packed... then they can sit down for breakfast. My kids are slow eaters and this way I don't have to nag them a million time to hurry up and eat. If we run out of time they can finish breakfast in the car (depending on what they are eating, of course) or just wait until snack time. Mornings were maddening before I had this revelation :)
    .-= Tessa´s last blog ..Baseball =-.

  • I am so relating to you on the there is a place and a time for things! My kids are constantly trying to do things at the wrong time, and then gets frustrated with me! Not to mention having to remind them a THOUSAND times to get their shoes on, or brush their teeth/hair! My kids are the same ages as yours as well. I'm not sure if I would feel comfortable yet with them making their breakfast. All I can see is the HUGE mess I would have to clean up after. Maybe I need to relax and step back?? Thanks for the ideas...

  • Jennifer: YES, making the batter blaster 'cakes is great practice for the 8 year old. I think that's about when Grace first started to help (as opposed to "help", in quotation marks).
    The sense of pride and accomplishment (as mentioned above) is absolutely priceless!
    Happy Holidays all,

  • This struck close to home for me. I tend to be more controlling than I should be with my kids. When I'm moving fast and have tons to do, it seems easier just to do it on my own. But, List Mama is right, we must take the time to make sure our kids are doing these things for themselves, for many reasons.

    Printing this list out now!

  • Wonderful ideas and a reminder for parents who do "too much" for their children. It is as the old saying says, it is easier to just do some things ourselves. But when you allow your kids to take responsibility for their own self care it will give them a pride you will not get if you continue to do things for them. All of my children have doing their own self-care in the morning for a long time and it rubs off to so many other areas of their lives. Having children who are self-directed should be a goal for all parents!

    I love helping busy mom's find more time in their day by allowing their kids to help themselves - it is amazing how much time you can free up!

  • After breakfast, my kids, 8 & 4, get dressed, brush teeth and make beds. We homeschool, so they have chores later in the day - put away silverware, fold towels, put away their clean clothes, clean their bathroom, vacuum. Not all chores are done everyday. Just when needed.
    .-= Marci@OvercomingBusy´s last blog ..Gifts vs. Giving at The Creative Mama =-.

  • Thanks for the idea, Patricia! I will look for that one. I think that would be perfect practice for my 8-year-old, don't you?

  • Here's one that doesn't really work for households with younger kids. But if you have an older child and you feel ok with them using the stove or griddle, check out Batter Blaster pancake mix. Because it's in a can there's no mess or preparation - just spray it right onto a hot pan / griddle. They taste great and are organic! My oldest is 12 and she is very responsible and a great cook. She LOVES making breakfast for her brother and sister and likes to brag about it every chance she gets!