list of reasons to visit 100 days to christmas

Today is a very special day! Today, September 16, is exactly 100 days to Christmas. It is a reminder that Christmas is coming. It may not be tomorrow or next week, but it will be here. If you have promised yourself that you would try to start earlier this year so that you can enjoy the month of December, then visit our brand new site called 100 Days to Christmas! Here are some reasons you should run, not walk, right on over there, and then come back everyday.

list of reasons to visit 100 days to christmas |

  1. A daily dose of inspiration and motivation to help you prepare for the busy holiday season.
  2. A Countdown to Christmas Challenge that calls you to action.
  3. If you are a blogger, a chance to sign up to Mr. Linky and let us share in your participation.
  4. A Giveaway – this week it is for 2 Yearly Memberships to List Plan It.
  5. A reminder that there are a few other major holidays between now and Christmas which require planning and consideration as well.
  6. Help with your holiday shopping.
  7. An opportunity to leave a comment and show your support for 100 Days to Christmas!
  8. You will be one of the first visitors to see the site’s official launch.

2 responses to “list of reasons to visit 100 days to christmas”

  1. Connie says:

    I am a Christmas Addict and I blog about Christmas every month.

    I am so excited about this….right up my alley!

  2. (fairy) Godmother says:

    Oh I am in heaven!!!


So you can get your list on.

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