list of reasons why you should laugh everyday

Even if you have to manufacture an opportunity to laugh, like watching a comedy on TV or visiting a comedy club or even having a ticklefest with your toddler, find a reason to laugh each and everyday.

list of reasons why you should laugh everyday |

The benefits to your mind and body are immeasurable:

  • Reduces stress
  • Provides a physical release to an emotional state
  • Gives your insides a good workout
  • Reduces pain levels
  • Requires no special skill nor any educational training
  • Distracts from negative feelings/situations
  • Elevates the mood of those around us
  • Helps to foster a connection
  • Boosts your immune system
  • Feels GREAT!

So go have a nice, long belly laugh then leave me a comment to tell us what makes you laugh the most.

10 responses to “list of reasons why you should laugh everyday”

  1. Tanja says:

    I couldn’t agree with you more, thanks for the reminders!


    …and I want laugh lines when I’m old, instead of frown lines! :-)

    I’d rather be called a “jolly old gal” than a “crotchety old bat” any day! LOL

    Shelly M.
    The Mom With Brownies

  3. list mama says:

    Using to randomly choose a winner, the winner of a Personal ePlanner from is. . .


  4. Regina says:

    Funny is plain and simply my grandbaby! She is 17 months and copys almost everything. so she rolls her eyes like me, she does push ups (yes push ups!!) like her dad & uncle! she walks around in high heels with a cell phone glued to the side of her face like her mom! watching her is hilarious, sure to put a smile on anyone’s face!

  5. misty says:

    I think it’s funny when people fall down. Is that wrong? Thanks so much for the opportunity.


  6. Melissa says:

    Three blonds walk into a bar. The fourth one ducks.

    haha.. thats one of my short fallback jokes. lol


  7. Momma Booer says:

    Something funny? Well, we taught my son how to say uh oh when he drops stuff so now he’ll purposefully set something down hold his hands up by his face (like when you say what) and go “oooooh”! lol He hasn’t quite got the uh oh down, just the oh.

  8. Grondahl Family says:

    My oldest brother is the funniest person I have ever met. I think he could make a career out of comedy, but he decided medical school was more up his alley. Plus he says as a doctor he can help heal people with laughter because laughter is the best medicine.

  9. Sara Rose Tutus says:

    So I had forgotten that I entered the drawing and got your email and was so confused. Then I opened it and love it! Okay maybe not funny, but I would love to win this as well. This stuff is great!

  10. Mama Zen says:

    My daughter! She cracks me up even when she doesn’t mean to!


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