Whether you call it a Home Management Binder, a Household Notebook, or a Home Control Journal, creating one for your home can be a great way to keep important information centrally located, control paper clutter, and inspire home managers to set goals and to accomplish much. Here are the steps for putting yours together. For more information, you’ll find a video with instructions for creating a home management binder here.

Click to get a Home Management Binder like this!
- Find a binder that works for you. ListPlanIt‘s store has a variety of binders that you can personalize with your name or type of binder. I love Mead’s Notebinder,
but any binder will work. I would choose one that has at least a 1″ spine width, but don’t use a binder that is too bulky and cumbersome. - You will also want to collect tabbed dividers so that you can separate your home management binder into sections. The easier it is to find the information you need, the more chances your home management binder will work. Another solution is Avery NoteTabs
. These tabs are writable and repositionable so you can move them around or use the same one if you need to refresh the page. - Consider the sections of you home management binder. Some labels that I use are Planner (for my daily, weekly, monthly, yearly calendars and planning pages), Contact Info (for frequently used phone numbers/email addresses/mailing addresses), Home Management (for inventories, items needed list, cleaning schedule), Health (include exercise goals, calorie tracking pages, medical documentation), Family Matters (include information pertinent to each member of your family).
- Create separate binders for specific tasks that are used frequently such as: Meal Planning (include recipes and menu planners), Financial Planning (include bank/credit card information and various budgeting worksheets), Personal Interests (include a log of books read/books to read, favorite wines, record the things that matter to you), and Memory Journal (make the special events and memorable moments in your life even more special when you put them on paper – memories fade, but notes on memories remain), and Holiday Planner (collect ideas, recipes, mementos, and plans).
- Label your binder clearly. Create a cover and spine label that clearly describe the contents of your binder. Here are some label ideas: Home Management, Life Management, Finance Planner, Meal Planner, Memory Journal, Holiday Planner.
- Begin to fill your binder with pages that are useful and worth keeping.
- You can also add important papers such as school lunch menus, takeout menus, library storytime calendars, brochures from local contractors, team rosters—whatever will make your life easier!!
Do you have a Home Management Binder? If so, what are your favorite sections/pages? Has it helped you get organized? If you haven’t started your Home Management Binder, what has held you back?
Members to ListPlanIt will find the lists they need to fill their own home management binder in Home Management. Not yet a member? Join today for just $5 and get started getting organized. Or choose from our selection of printable ePlanners, such as Meals, Homemaking, Contacts, and more.
This is a great way to manage and get the family organized!
I never realised how essential this was until we lost everything in a house fire and could not make contact with the Insurance Company with no telephone numbers !! nor make contact with family as all their details were in my mobile (which was in the house).
Can I suggest that you all put a copy of these small but essential pieces of info somewhere not at home ? you’d be surprised how rediculous I felt….
Organization is a MUST for me. I host parties in my home very often so balancing guests, family, bills, shopping, and daily life can be a problem. My home planner really makes it easier to focus on the important things – like my family!
Hey! I just came across your comment on my post and answered your question about the binders. My apologies for the delay – I don’t know how I missed you. Love your site…I will be back when I have time to really look around!
In my case I had a personal binder and a meal planner binder but never thought to put all the information that my family might need in one place (I thought that was what the computer was for). Now I realize that even I will benefit from a centralized “information centre”. So thank you for helping me know better.
I have a home binder (which I really need to start using!), but never thought about separate binders for these other areas. Thanks for the advice!