When it comes to setting goals, it is easy to come up with a long list of improvements that you would like to make in your own life, your home, and/or your path. However, just dreaming about changes often leaves you powerless to progress. Cultivating the initiative to take the steps you need to grow and achieve in this one chance at life is an art form. How do you make real, achievable goals for the future? Here is a list of steps to setting real goals for 2012.

- Make a date. Make time in your diary to find a quiet, comfortable location to set your goals. Choose an inspirational place such as your favorite museum or a posh cafe or a park bench at the zoo in January every year to review your goals and set new ones for the year ahead.
- Write them. Writing your goals down makes them more powerful. Use positive language words like “I will. . .” and “I am. . .”. This will help you to feel as though you have already achieved your goals and to change your behaviors accordingly. For example, I am power walking three times per week. Allocate a specific timeframe for the completion of each goal. Add extra incentive by noting a specific reward for achieving each goal. Finally, list possible obstacles to the achievement of each goal and possible solutions.
- Take five. Create five categories for which to set goals: physical, educational, spiritual, financial, relational. By setting goals for each of these areas of your life, you will be taking a balanced approach and not neglecting any important aspect of your life.
- Share. Make yourself accountable to someone you trust. Share your goals with them and ask them to check in with you regularly to see whether you are on track.
- Review constantly. People who truly achieve are those that never lose sight of the prize. They don’t write goals and then put them aside. Keep a copy of your goals in several locations around your house and/or work. Makes it easy to be reminded several times a day of what goals you are working toward.
- Keep track. Return to your place of inspiration next year (or better yet, once a month) to review your progress and feel pride in the achievement of those goals before you move on to setting new goals for the next year.
What are some of your tips for achieving your goals in this new year?