list of substitutions for soda drinkers

I don’t remember the first time I ever tasted Dr. Pepper, but I do know that I have loved drinking it ever since I was a little girl.  I used to beg my mom to drive me to the Stop ‘N Shop so that I could spend my allowance on a Dr. Pepper fountain drink.  Although for the past few years, I have weaned myself down to a soda a day, I am now to the  point where I’m feeling like I need to sever the tie to my addiction.  I am breaking away from high fructose corn syrup in many of my foods, and nowhere is it more present than in a glass of soda.  Here are some of the alternatives I’ve tried or noted.

    • Flavored seltzer – satisfies “the burn” you get from drinking carbonated drinks
    • Fruit juice – although I would much rather get the health benefits from eating the actual fruit rather than just the sugary liquid
    • Good old water with lemon or a lemon syrup
    • Tea – I have been drinking more tea lately.  Of course I always include a teaspoon of sugar (or two).  I think the caffeine helps.

What do you like to drink in place of soda?   What types of drinks satisfy your thirst throughout the day?

Jennifer Tankersley:

View Comments (4)

  • Good for you for making great choices! I just discovered your site through simplemom.net :D

    I drink cucumber water now! Sounds weird, eh? LOL slice up cucumbers very thin (I use a mandoline) and put them in a (glass, preferably) jug filled with filtered water. Very fresh (cucumber is in the watermelon family) + diuretic too! (eliminates puffiness & water retension)

    I also drink mate' tea (which has caffeine-- I have been a coffee lover for years, and am now off of it!) I like to add real maple syrup, freshly made almond milk and fresh ground nutmeg (powerful anti-inflammatory agent). Mmmm... delectable.

    There are a several different smoothie recommendations as well as the how-to's of the iced mate' lattes on my recipe page on freshblessings.net if you're interested in trying something new :D


  • Are you sitting down? ... Kombucha.
    Kombucha is my Coca-cola substitute. Specifically, GT's Citrus flavor.
    We are in NE for a family 'living history' with the Grandparents. On the way back from the 'farm', the 'hometown' and the family cemetery, we stopped at a cafe in a little town to 'powder our noses'. ALL over the cafe' were Coca-cola memorabilia. I've been a 'coke' fan since early childhood but never had I seen such a display (outside the official museum).
    One sign said 'relieves fatigue', which of course it did over it's formulations (old coke, vintage coke, etc.).
    For me, Kombucha, high in b-vitamins, probiotics and FIZZ, also relieves fatigue (quite an asset for me as I have 'severe' Fibromyalgia / Fatigue). As it comes with a hefty price tag in my area (2 - 4$ PER bottle), I only have one a day (at night, 'to savor' or 1st thing in the morning, to 'get me going'.) There are at least 2 different companies that make it that I know of and it can be found in an array of yummy flavors.

  • I drink loads of white tea, with blueberry, pomegranite etc. Flavored seltzer cut with V8 juices are also yummy 'cocktails' I love and make for the kids.