list of things found in the back of my minivan in the summertime

Jul, 29 For Fun

My youngest and I made a trip to the big city today to visit the mall. Though she is 3 years old, she does not have a single memory of ever visiting a mall (it has been at least a year). She couldn’t believe all the lights and activity. I had to truly dig to get the umbrella stroller out of the back of my van. It is so loaded with the signs of summer in Maine. Here are some of its contents:

list of things found in the back of my minivan in the summertime |

  1. Beach bag (filled with dry towels and sunscreen)
  2. Beach umbrella
  3. Girl’s bike
  4. Training wheels (my girl is learning to ride without)
  5. Picnic blanket
  6. Soccer ball (remnant of last week’s soccer camp)
  7. Boogie boards
  8. Pails for berry-pickin’ (you never know when you might find yourself near a U-Pick place)
  9. Bag of sand toys
  10. 2 Beach chairs

While it all barely fits back there, it is nice to have it all on hand. What summer things are you toting around in your vehicle?

4 responses to “list of things found in the back of my minivan in the summertime”

  1. Elliott - 21st Century Dad says:

    My list might resemble yours when my daughter is older. Right now, with a teenage boy, my list is dramatically different. The chief difference being a Costco sized spray bottle of Febreze.

  2. Laura says:

    What a good idea to leave all that in the van at all times!

  3. Ann(ie) says:

    I have an umbrella stroller, a spare sippy cup and a blanket. I like your list WAY better!!

  4. (fairy) Godmother says:

    that is impressive and organized. I have 2 unmatched flip-flops, an LLBean bag with extra sippy cups, head bands, a brush, (?!)a spare pair of shorts and T shirt for my 3 yo, 2 books and a folding potty seat. Not in the bag I also have towels, shells, a couple of bottles of water, my first aid kit, a flashlight and jumper cables. Don’t ask what’s up in the pod! ;)


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