Okay, she is no longer a baby. I have to face facts. She is potty-trained, pacifier-broken, sleeping in a big-girl bed, and as of today – 3 Years Old!

- She breaks out in song at any moment of the day (currently, it is the theme song to Pokemon).
- She has the most expressive face when she talks.
- She loves her Mommy, but she lights up when she’s around Daddy.
- She said “Thank You, Mommy” after every present she opened today!
- She NEVER wakes up in a bad mood.
- She always asks what she can think about before she goes to sleep. She is always satisfied when I tell her Princesses, Mermaids, Fairies, Unicorns, and Mommy & Daddy.
- She is so friendly to anyone she meets. I never need to worry that she will be standoffish or rude to a guest.
- She still wants Mommy to sing her a lullaby. She thinks I sing “Bootiful.”
- She has always been my best eater. That girl will eat ANYTHING I put in front of her.
- She will ALWAYS be my baby!
Happy Birthday, Claire Bear!
SHE is just adorable!
I love the never waking up in a bad mood. My middle child is like that and I wish I could be more like that…what a wonderful way to start the day!
Jennifer, I can’t believe little Claire is 3! She is soooo beautiful!
She’s adorable! My granddaughter is almost 8, and I still remember these milestones like they were yesterday!
This made me tear up and I also had a thought, you need to save this and read it aloud at her high school graduation.