list of things that should NEVER be thrown in the garbage

Some things are not even fit for the trash can because they can be hazardous to the humans or animals that might handle them. Some wastes have the possibility of leaching dangerous chemicals into drinking water. Whether once a week, once a month, or once a year, gather these items together and make a run to your local dump for hazardous wastes.

list of things that should NEVER be thrown in the garbage |

  1. Appliances/Electronics (cell phones, old computers)
  2. Tires
  3. Batteries
  4. Solvents (paint thinner)
  5. Indoor Chemicals (cleaners, pest sprays)
  6. Outdoor Chemicals (pesticides, week killers)
  7. Waxes/Polishes
  8. Paints/Varnishes/Stains
  9. Pet Sprays/Flea Collars
  10. Cosmetic Chemicals (aerosol cans, paint remover)

One response to “list of things that should NEVER be thrown in the garbage”

  1. (fairy) Godmother says:

    and old, holey, wayyyy too small pajamas that belong to your youngest child!


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