You may be thinking, “The end of summer? It is only the beginning of July!” However, I know that once July is over, August brings thoughts of school supplies and new school clothes. We will begin to think more about the season to come and less about enjoying what is left of the current season. So make the most of it while you can. To dos don’t have to be work. Summer to dos should be all about partaking in summer fruit, eating as much ice cream as you can, visiting the ball field to watch a game, and anything involving water. To remind you of some of the possibilities for the rest of summer, here is a list of some ideas for you to either add to your To Do List or your calendar. Scheduling projects and even fun will insure your chances of getting it done.

- Go Somewhere – You may have a vacation planned, and in that case you are hopefully to a place where you feel prepared. If you couldn’t find the time or money for a vacation this summer, then it is not too late to look around you, find someplace new, and make some memories for this summer. It might be in the form of a day trip, a camping trip, or a weekend getaway. Go someplace you haven’t been before or revisit an old summer haunt from when you were a kid.
- Pleasure in the Taste of Summer – My family finds immense satisfaction in growing some of our food in our own garden, visiting our local CSA farm to pick up our harvest share, and finding U Pick farms in our area for fresh summer fruit. Stock up on nutrition while the food is at its freshest. Buy or pick extra to can or freeze and savor the taste of summer, even in the winter.
- Get Outside – Just thinking of all of those cold winter months makes me want to go outdoors and soak up the vitamin D. Whether you are in the pool or tinkering in the gardens or reading a book while the children play in the yard, find a way to get outside. No more excuses for not fitting exercise into your day. You can burn calories and build muscles by taking a walk with the kids, swimming, or jumping on the trampoline.
- Summer Projects – You know you had a list of things to accomplish this summer. They are not going to magically get done. It may be more difficult with children around and you can probably think of other things you would like to get done, but think through the steps for each project. Schedule a start date and set goals with dates for each step.
- End of Season Summer Shopping – This can be tricky if you are not prepared. Don’t do any end-of-the-season shopping unless you’ve taken the time to see what you have and what you will need for next summer. This is a great time to get some Back to School clothes for your children. After the 4th of July, stores will start to mark down their summer clothing and you can find some great bargains for next summer if you start shopping around now.
- Make Time for Yourself – Whether you love to read or scrapbook or shop for antiques, be sure that you are scheduling time each day or each week to do the things you love. Share your passion with your family, go it alone, or do a combination. Broaden your horizons by studying a new language or taking up a musical instrument or learning to knit. There should always be room for self improvement. Teach children to see the meaning of lifelong learning.
What is on your summer to do list?
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[…] list of things to do before the end of summer. […]
Love this list…really broad but extremely helpful.
Have you checked out this site I use it to keep a list of all the fun things i want to do this summer and then it lets me share it with my friends! I am totally going to add some “Get Outside” activities to my list…