list of things to do daily

Whether you are a stay-at-home or a bring-the-bacon-home parent, there are a few things that must be done each and every day (and there are a few “shoulds” as well). These are in no order of importance.

list of things to do daily |

  • Check today’s List of To Dos. Prioritize what is most important and be sure to remain conscious of those things.
  • Make beds.
  • Clean dishes.
  • Find homes for misplaced objects.
  • Clean tables/countertops.
  • Throw away junk mail.
  • Sweep floors.
  • Sit down to write (a letter or a journal entry).
  • Hug & kiss your loved ones.
  • Make tomorrow’s List of To Dos.

What tasks do you do every day to help the day run more smoothly?

One response to “list of things to do daily”

  1. Lisa Krushinski says:

    Precious baby!


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