list of things to do daily

Whether you are a stay-at-home or a bring-the-bacon-home parent, there are a few things that must be done each and every day (and there are a few “shoulds” as well). These are in no order of importance.

  • Check today’s List of To Dos. Prioritize what is most important and be sure to remain conscious of those things.
  • Make beds.
  • Clean dishes.
  • Find homes for misplaced objects.
  • Clean tables/countertops.
  • Throw away junk mail.
  • Sweep floors.
  • Sit down to write (a letter or a journal entry).
  • Hug & kiss your loved ones.
  • Make tomorrow’s List of To Dos.

What tasks do you do every day to help the day run more smoothly?

Jennifer Tankersley:

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