list of things to do monthly

Though these things might not be in the forefront of your mind, it is important to remember to accomplish each of these tasks once a month or so.

list of things to do monthly |

  • Check Monthly Calendar for an overview of what is happening this month
  • Dust
  • Sort through refrigerator (out with the old. . .)
  • Sweep/vacuum in bedrooms/office
  • Mop floors
  • Perform a breast self-exam
  • Read a book (or two, depending on your schedule)
  • Prepare menu plan for the month
  • Do something NEW!
  • Look ahead to next month’s calendar

list mama

One response to “list of things to do monthly”

  1. Kelli says:

    you forgot a couple :-)
    Change Air Filters
    Change Oil / Check fluids / Check tires in vehicle
    Declutter Medicine Cabinet – check the expiration dates

    I also: Baking Soda & Vinegar drains (sinks and tubs) 1 tbs of baking soda and 1 cup of vinegar. My kids enjoy it and it freshens the drains really nicely. :-)


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