Today is the first day of the new school year for my community and family. It is an exciting time filled with enthusiasm and change. Kids have met their new teachers and now it is time to begin settling in to a new routine. Though I am now considered a “working mom” (translation: I now receive a paycheck for all of my hard work), I still have a lot of the same catch-up projects that I had at the beginning of school years past. Now, I must choose to ignore them or prioritize and schedule time to work on them. Here is my list of tasks to complete in the next few weeks.
What is on your Fall To Do List?
Now that the kids are back in school, my fall household plans include:
1. winterizing the flower beds so they’ll be ready to go this spring
2. clearing away the summer things from the garage and getting out the fall and winter toys, sporting equipment, and auto needs
3. getting all our carpets deep-cleaned
Now all of my WAHM fall activities? That’s a whole other long list of To-do’s!!
1. scan my recipes so I don’t have a big pile of papers on my counter
2. deep clean my car after summer has trashed it
3. focus on some ‘girls night outs’ to get my sense of self back a bit
4. look at my fall wardrobe and see what I need so when I shop – I’ll not get stuff that doesn’t work
5. schedule things like physicals, dentist appointments, vet visits
I’m with Kristen – we also will be winterizing the porch and looking at tasks on the interior of the house.
Love the idea of this list – mine is huge but I’ve put a few of my current ones here.
.-= Liz Jenkins´s last blog .. =-.
I seem to be in a nesting mode. I bought a couple new pictures for our living room and a rug for our entry that definitely have a warm, fall feel. We have been going through the kids closets and seeing what fits and what doesn’t.
.-= Marci@OvercomingBusy´s last blog .. =-.
Schedule more indoor playdates
Start fixing up the inside of the house (painting, etc) now that the outside has received a lot of attention
“Winterize” my porch
Update my resume and send out more queries now that the kids are back in school (I am a work-at-home, freelance writer/editor)
Start budgeting for Christmas (!)