list of things to do to prepare for valentine’s day

Valentine’s Day is just 1 short week away. Are you ready? Have you made any plans? I know that it is difficult to get into the mindset of holiday planning when we are still recovering from the intensity of Christmas. But Valentine’s Day is about demonstrating our love. It doesn’t have to involve fancy gifts. There are lots of ways to show those we love how much they mean to us. Here are a few things you can do to get ready for Valentine’s Day.

  • Plan special meals. Valentine’s Day is on a Saturday this year, so many people will be able to treat their family to a special breakfast. Lunch can be sandwiches cut into heart shapes. Dinner might be a red-themed meal such as spaghetti and strawberry jello. Or you might have a plan in the works for a special night out for you and your love.
  • Plan your “token of love” gifts. One year my children came down to new pink and red bowls and cups for breakfast. Another year, it was mini canvas bags with heart trim. Another year, I made pillowcases out of heart fabric.
  • Make reservations. If Valentine’s Day usually involves a sitter and a night out, be sure to make the necessary reservations now while there is still time.
  • Shave your legs. If you are anything like me, this is something I actually have to write on my calendar. Valentine’s Day is a pretty good bet that I will spend some quality time with my husband. Shaving my legs will make me feel sexy on this special night.
  • Have Valentine’s cards ready to go. I usually wait until the night before class parties to frantically get my children to sign their names to the back of a bunch of store-bought cards. This year, we spent all day today cutting hearts, gluing them together, and creating our best Valentines yet. Now all I have to do is put them in a bag and keep them in a safe location until the day of the party.

What are your plans for Valentine’s Day? Do you have any special traditions?

Jennifer Tankersley:

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  • My sister asked me the other day what my plans were for Valentine's day. I replied, VALENTINES's DAY! I didn't even think about it.

    Shame on me I know. I guess I should start planning.

  • I made reservations for me & the hubs to get couple massages. I'm 9 months pregnant, so hopefully the baby wont come before then, lol. It was actually pretty cheap this year. I also made big valentines out of craft paper for my loved ones.

  • I have no plans for V-day... yet! I am focused on class parties and gifts. We are going the homemade route this year. For my littlest one I will be making Play Doh (pink and purple) and packaging it up in a plastic bag with red ribbon and cookie cutter -- hear-shaped, of course! The older kids will give out home-made pink Flubber! I will include the recipes for both with each gift and they will be listed on my blog in a couple of days as well if anyone else wants to take this idea. I always make heart-shaped brownies for my family. I can not disappoint. And since this Holiday falls on a Saturday I'll probably have a heart-shaped something or other with strawberries, heart shaped panini sandwiches and something special for dinner too!