If your yard looks anything like ours does this time of the year, it is COVERED in fallen leaves. Why not take advantage of this free gift from your trees and have some fun with your family?

- Leaf Rubbings
• The original fallen leaf activity…put a leaf under a piece of paper (best if the underside of the leaf is facing up) and rub the side of a crayon over the paper.
• Use rubbings to make cards or or even wrapping paper. - Leaf Wreath
• Cut out the center of a paper plate and glue leaves on the edge so that the plate is covered.
• Hang with string on your door. - Leaf Preserving
• Put a leaf between 2 sheets of wax paper, cover with a thin towel & iron on low, dry heat.
• Preserves the prettiest leaves for years to come.
• Use the leaves in your Fall decorations. - Make a Leaf Bouquet
- Make Leaf Stamps
• Put paint on the underside of leaves and use them as stamps. - Make Leaf Pictures
• Collect all different sizes and shapes of leaves.
• Glue them on paper to make things….a man, an animal, a tree, etc…GET CREATIVE! - Make a Leaf Bookmark
• Paint both sides of a pretty leaf with clean nail polish to coat. - Make a Leaf Placemat
• Arrange your favorite leaves between 2 large pieces of clear contact paper to make a beautiful Fall placemat. - And of course, JUMP IN A LEAF PILE!!!!
What do you like to do with Fall leaves ?