list of things to do with one free hour

What’s a free hour, right? I never thought it would happen to me, but now that my kids are getting a little older, I find myself with an occasional free hour. So with this list, I will be able to keep from squandering that precious time.

list of things to do with one free hour |

  1. Read a magazine.
  2. Get a pedicure.
  3. Browse slowly through Target.
  4. Stop and get an ice cream cone.
  5. People watch on a park bench in the sunshine.
  6. Sit at the computer and browse.
  7. Call mom, sister, or friend just to chat.
  8. Take a brisk walk down Maine Street.
  9. Head to your favorite boutique or flea market with lots of beautiful breakables.
  10. Take a nap!

5 responses to “list of things to do with one free hour”

  1. Selena says:

    I say write a song and sing it into a mirror or have a shower and then sing that song in the shower

  2. Nicole says:

    I say take a walk in a beautiful natural setting….or go get a haircut!

  3. KJ says:

    Gotta love the lists! What would we do without them!! Great site!!

  4. Carmen says:

    I could spend WAAAAAY more time than 1 hour in Target. I love that store!!! :)

  5. Audrey says:

    Play hearts at :)


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