list of things to make with fresh blueberries

It is blueberry season here in Maine and we have already been picking twice. The cleared areas below the power lines are just full of lowbush, wild blueberries. I just gave all of my Little Sals (from Blueberries for SalĀ by Robert McCloskey – GREAT book!) a little pail while mama used her large pail, and now we have enough blueberries to can for next winter (actually, I’ve frozen them all) Even if you buy your blueberries in the store, they are one of the best things you can eat – both in taste and in nutrition.

list of things to make with fresh blueberries |

  1. Blueberry muffins
  2. Blueberry scones
  3. Blueberry pancakes/waffles
  4. Blueberry bars
  5. Blueberry cake
  6. Blueberry cobbler
  7. Blueberry sauce for ice cream or pancakes
  8. Blueberry crisp
  9. Blueberry bread
  10. Blueberry pie

Recipes all come from

One response to “list of things to make with fresh blueberries”

  1. Channah says:

    What about blueberry ice cream?


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