There are the usual monthly bills that everyone has to pay. For those things, we are prepared. Then there are those expenses that either we know we will have to pay at some point or that have a tendency to surprise us. These are some of the expenses that we should try to save for each and every month:

- Medical/Dental visits and procedures
- Vacations/Getaways
- Auto Repairs/Oil Changes
- Home Improvements
- Seasonal Utilities (Winter Heating/Summer Cooling)
- Holidays (crafts, parties, events)
- Gifts (Birthdays, Christmas, Anniversary, Baby/Wedding)
- Clothing (it adds up when trying to clothe an entire family)
- Entertainment (concerts, restaurants, etc)
- Big Ticket Items (new TV, new piece of furniture)
What things do you save for ?

ANY time my kids give me their expert “boo boo face”. They’ve both honed it down to a fine science and they know it…even when I can tell they’re doing it deliberately, it works!