list of tips for sticking to your resolutions

‘Tis the season for making lists and setting goals. It is one thing to write a list of resolutions for the new year and quite another to take action. Here is a list of tips for sticking to your resolve and improving yourself, your surroundings, and your relationships.

list of tips for sticking to your resolutions |

  • Don’t rely on your memory. Putting them down on paper is like making a contract with yourself.
  • Share them with a friend or other supportive person. Gain some accountability.
  • Make an Action Plan. List your steps to achievement.
  • Schedule in time for that action. Actually write it on your calendar.
  • Reevaluate your progress every month. Make sure you are staying on track. But cut yourself some slack, please.
  • Reward yourself! has hundreds of printable lists and planning pages including all the pages you need to help you organize your life in the New Year.

list mama

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