list of tools to help potty train your child

I am an all-or-nothing kind of personality, so we used the “Hard Core” method of Potty-Training. These are some of the strategies that I employed when potty-training my children at the ages of 20 to 26 months.

  1. Choose a starting date and clear your calendar for the week.
  2. Buy or borrow a portable potty chair. Try to have more than 1.
  3. Buy or borrow books and videos for your child about learning to use the potty. While you are at it, collect a large pile of new and interesting books to keep next to the potty for the hours that you and your child will be sitting there.
  4. Prepare incentives or rewards for child’s successes. Use a combination of the following: M&M’s, Skittles, Smarties, Stickers, Potty Parties, and special “phone calls” to your child’s hero.
  5. Limit activity to one room so you can keep a close eye on your child. You will want to be within arm’s reach of your child for at least the first day or two.
  6. Give your child lots to drink (preferably non-sugary drinks or diluted juice) so he/she has plenty of opportunities to practice.
  7. Encourage your child to “Practice” every 30 minutes or so at first. Don’t ever ask, “Do you have to go pee pee?” The answer will always be no.
  8. Make a HUGE deal of every success! Your child needs to know when they have done the correct thing.
  9. Have cleaning supplies at the ready for inevitable accidents. Be patient! You will tell yourself that it will never work, but keep trying.
  10. Always have your child try to go before you get in the car. But, take a potty with you in the car, just in case.
Jennifer Tankersley:

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  • I could use this wonderful list. I am still trying to potty train my 2 year old. :)
    BTW, we have a winner for the March Mom Blog of the Month Contest on Hip Mama's Place. Pls congratulate the winner at http://www.hipmamasplace.com when you get a chance. Thanks and have a great day! :)