Getting organized is a popular resolution in January. The holiday rush is over. The feeling of starting fresh is palpable. You look around and see all of the things that you’ve been putting off for months due to a busy summer, a busy start to the school year, and holiday planning. Now there is nothing left except a frazzled feeling and the notion that if you can organize your surroundings, then you will feel more put together as well. Besides and in addition to the more than 600 lists & planning pages that members have access to, here are some of my favorite tools to help me get back on track.

- Clipboards. I wrote an entire article about my love for these handy things. I own many different clipboards. I have one here at my desk, one at my desk at work, one upstairs by my bed, one for each of my 3 children (they make perfect portable desks for the car or the yard), and then, of course, a few spares.
- Notebinder. I am completely sold on this type of binder. It is a new style and combination of both a notebook and a binder. I love it for many reasons, but the main reason is because I can flip that front cover around to the back and then hold my notebinder on my lap in my favorite cushy chair and list and write and plan – my favorite things.
- Fabric-covered boxes or baskets. I have a variety of boxes that either sit on my shelves or on my desk or on the floor. They are so pretty and so clean-looking. Who would know of the jumble of papers or items that are living inside? I try to label each box so that at least the jumble is all congruent. One day a year, I sort my boxes and toss what is not vital.
- Calendar &/or planner. Of course, has every variety of daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly planner pages (see them in Time Management), but it is vital that every family manager have a planner that is accessible, easy to navigate, and clear. This allows you to not only keep track of appointments and happenings, but it also allows you to schedule in the time you need to get things done (e.g. grocery shopping, filing, cleaning the closet, or even special playtime with your children).
- Family information center. Whether that is a bulletin board placed in a central location or the refrigerator or wherever you can keep a calendar, menu planner, school menu, invitations to parties, and whatever else that needs to stay front and center.
What are your favorite tools for being organized that you either use at home or have read about?
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You know this list is right up my Penelope alley!
I hadn’t heard of the “notebinder” and I love the idea! I’m going to explore that further and see if it might be a good solution for my ultra-listy ways! Thanks for this.
.-= PenelopeLovesLists´s last blog ..Assignment: purse de-clutter, or do this now, you’ll be glad you did later =-.