My children do not get sick very often. They do not have any chronic illnesses that cause them to see the doctor once a month. In fact, the last visit we had was for physicals for all 3 children about a year ago. However, that does not mean that we have not had enough practice at cleaning up vomit or healing chapped, over-blown noses. Here are some things we do in our family to help us during periods of sickness.

- Keep a bowl handy. We keep plastic bowl designated as “the throw up bowl” in the bathroom closet. If a child complains of a “hurt tummy”, I get the bowl and put it by their bedside just in case.
- Naptime is mandatory. My children tend to want to stay in front of the TV. They say they are resting, but that is not enough for a little body to heal itself. It needs deep sleep.
- Buy tissues with lotion for colds. Little noses get so red and chapped with frequent blowing.
- Stock up on the essentials: anti-bacterial gel, Lysol, plenty of soap.
- Stock up on the medicines that you need: pain reliever/fever reducer, cough/cold medicine.
- Stock up on comfort items: ginger ale, vapor rub, blankets & warm jammies.
- Break out the chicken soup.
- Put toothbrushes in the dishwasher after an illness. Germs can be recycled on toothbrushes indefinitely, if not properly cleaned.
- Popsicles work wonders for sore throats and ear infections.
- Lots of snuggle and reading time.
What are some of your best tips and practices for dealing with a sick child?
For colds My Mother would rub Vicks Vaporub on our feet, then put us in socks and then put us in bed. That always seemed to do the trick…of course a hot cup of tea with lemon was administered with a piece of burned toast – I’m not sure the burned toast was medically neccessary…it was just how My Mother always did toast.
Sick kids are no fun! I am glad to see they are better (I read your other post first).
My kids don’t get sick that often either, and when they do, it’s mostly cough, cold and lots of snot. I am a firm believer in the Vicks Vapor Rub and a humidifier. Always makes the nights a little better.
Great list!
Our last bout with flu had us putting buckets by each bed and at strategic places through the house. Nasty!
The lotion in the tissues is a good thing because mine don’t like the lotion put right on their nose.
The throw up bowl…haha…I like it! :) I don’t have kids, but I’ll have to remember that one… :)
We also keep a cold pack or hot pack on hand to soothe where it hurts or cool/heat up as needed. We just us a fabric bag filled with rice. Just put it in the microwave for about 1 minute for a hot pack and in the freezer for about 1 hour for a cool pack. It’s GREAT!