Any mom knows how hard it is to fit exercise into your day. Why not find ways to exercise while you are WITH your children, instead of struggling to find the time to do it without them? It will be good for your health and your kids will love it!
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Here are some ways to GET MOVING with your children.
- Outside Ideas
• Bike riding
• Walk the dog
• Jump rope (which is A LOT harder than I ever remembered it being as a kid!)
• Play hopscotch
• Fly a kite
• Play Freeze tag
• Have a hula hoop contest (something my daughter can easily beat me in every time)
• Go on a hike
• Rake leaves
• Set up relay races for your family and friends
• Play soccer
• Run through the sprinkler
• Be creative adding exercise to your daily routine…run home from the bus stop, count how many lunges it takes to get around your driveway, etc.
• Arrange “exercise dates” with other families: set up family outings to community basketball courts or swimming pools, invite neighbors over for group “fun runs” or dance-offs, consider joining a family bowling league to solidify your commitment to family exercise and fun. - Inside Ideas
• Time people running up the stairs of your house
• Set up “bootcamp” stations (jumping jacks, push-ups, sit-ups, high knees, etc)
• Do an exercise video together
• Put on some good music and have a dance party
• Yoga
• Weight training-bicep curls, tricep raises & chest presses (give little ones partially filled water bottles to use)
• Video Games – many people love the Wii Fit games and Dance Dance Revolution
• Visit an indoor roller or ice skating rink
• Be creative adding exercise to your daily routine…toss sock balls into the hamper, run laundry upstairs one piece at a time, etc.
How do you fit in exercise with your children?
A lot of parents I know tend to try to exercise without their kids. I for one think it’s important to teach our children the importance of fitness, especially due to the growing childhood obesity problem.