We are converging on the point when our resolution to get more organized gets the much needed shot of adrenaline called “spring cleaning”. Take advantage of this time of year when you begin to feel more energized by an increase of light and warmth. Are you sick of tripping over Littlest Pet Shop animals or stepping on Lego pieces? Combine your new year’s resolution to get more organized after the influx of this past Christmas’ toys in your house. Here are some great ideas on how to keep your family’s toy collection in check!

- Simplify
• Make it a group activity to go through all toys and decide what really needs to be organized.
• Throw away all broken toys or things with missing pieces.
• No one plays with the doctor kit anymore?…Give it away! - Labels
• Use on drawers and bins.
• Use words and/or pictures that are clear to your child. - Use see-through plastic containers with lids
• Sort and group smaller toys together.
• Put containers on a shelf where you and your children can easily see what it inside each box. - Hang netting on the wall
• For every parent’s favorite collection of children’s stuffed animals, give them a home that’s in plain view, but not cluttering the bed (or the floor). - Game Board Storage Art
• Here is a clever way to deal with all those large boxes that come with games. - Keep some toys out or reach
• Things like puzzles and board games can create big messes fast when they meet a pair of unsupervised three year olds. - Use a toy box for dress up clothes
• Easy for little ones to get out clothes and also to put away. - Use cute labeled buckets
- Reuse the clear plastic zip up bags from your bed linens purchase
- Use a clear hanging shoe holder on the back of the closet
• This is great for soft things like doll clothes or small stuffed animals.
How do you keep your family’s toys organized?