Living in Maine means lots of company (which we LOVE) in the summertime! If you are expecting company where you live, then here are a few things that might help you prepare.

- Plot out meal ideas for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.
- Using your meal plan, create a careful grocery list (you do NOT want to have to go to the store while you have company).
- Plan an itinerary filled with lots of local events and sites.
- Have some tokens that say “Welcome” and “We are so glad you are here” such as a little gift and maybe a basket of fancy trial-size soaps and shampoos.
- Be sure to clean the bedrooms well. Nobody wants to sleep with an unidentified dust bunny.
- Make sure the porch and the walkways are clean and tidy. You want their first impression of your home to be a comforting one.
- Put some recent magazines by their bedside so they have something to read when they want a little privacy or downtime.
- Clean your car, especially if guests will be riding in it.
- Try to look around every room with new eyes. Once we become used to things, we tend to overlook them. Try to view your home as if you were a first time visitor. You will be amazed at the things you never realized that need work.
- Relax! Most guests would never even notice that the piano needs dusting or the windows haven’t been cleaned in a while. Guests should be enjoyed, not stressed over. Who are they coming to visit – you or your house?
Some great ideas! We have a lot of company as well so this list will come in handy!