list of ways to reduce, reuse, recycle

The more we consider ways to cut back on the amount of stuff we consume and dispose of, the less waste we will produce. Use the 3R’s planning page to create your own plan to reduce, reuse, recycle.

list of ways to reduce, reuse, recycle |

1. The best way to reduce is simply to consume less.
2. Accept plastic/paper store bags only when necessary. Provide your own bags at the store.
3. Avoid individually packaged items such as juice boxes, snack bags, and bottled water. Buy in bulk.
4. Contact catalog companies and have them remove you from their mailing list.
5. Growing your own food in a garden requires no packaging or processing.

6. Choose washable cups rather than disposables.
7. When it is time to replace a household furnishing, be sure to donate it or give it away.
8. If you are in need of something in particular, be sure to check yard sales,, or before purchasing it new.

9. Many electronic devices such as cell phones and computers leak dangerous chemicals into the soil when they are deposited in a landfill. Find a place that will dispose of them safely.
10. The amount of trash you produce can be drastically reduced if you decide to recycle instead: aluminum cans, cardboard, glass, newspapers/magazines, paint, paper, plastic bags/bottles, wood, etc.

2 responses to “list of ways to reduce, reuse, recycle”

  1. tyemkodbransmom says:

    Also, another great recycling idea. Is you can go to and offer items for free. There is freecycles all over America. And the best part this is a free service. Just thought I would pass this along, I am a member of a freecycle group in my area. These groups help alot of people get rid of stuff from small to large and keeps the landfills from being overfilled.

  2. Audrey says:

    Getting off of catalog and jumk mail lists can be tough. I have definately made a dent in the amount of junk mail we get.


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