list of ways to squeeze exercise into your day

Exercise does not have to mean donning the perfect workout gear complete with headband. It can be as simple as lacing up a pair of sneakers and heading outside. Most moms convince themselves that there is not enough time in the day, but in fact, it should be a priority to maintain and preserve your health. You owe it to your family and yourself.

  • Make weekly exercise goals for yourself. This will give you some guidance and motivation.
  • Wake up an hour earlier. For many people, the morning is the most productive time of the day. Capitalize on that by getting an early walk or jog in before the kids wake up.
  • Find a buddy. Use it as a ladies evening out. Meet on a trail or in the mall and start walking.
  • Wear comfy clothes to the bus stop and then when the kids have just pulled away, get your jog or walk in before you have time to come up with any excuses.
  • Take a break during lunch to sneak in a walk or an exercise class.
  • Exercise before you pick up your kids from daycare or school.
  • Wait until the children are in bed to climb on your elliptical machine or do a Tae Bo video (Caution: this time for exercise is not reliable as you are already exhausted and may not have the willpower to follow through.).
  • Play tag or soccer or run races with your children.
  • Take a family yoga class.
  • Put on some music and everyone DANCE!

Members at ListPlanIt.com can find pages to list their exercise goals and keep track of the amount of exercise they have done in a week.

Jennifer Tankersley:

View Comments (6)

  • this is such a timely post. I have just decided I needed to refine my eating habits and get more fit which means I need to get moving. Thanks for the ideas. I've been doing laps around my backyard when I take the kids out to play.

  • Love your blog!

    I actually started walking my daughter to school. We live 1.5 miles away from the school so it's a 3 mile walk round trip. She loves the exercise too and it's a great way to spend some quality time together. It's amazing how clear my head is when I get back home and ready to work.

  • I've been listing my weekly workout goals on my blog on Mondays. It really helps keep me on task. I'm thrown off today because I went to the gym without my shoes today (?!) but I'll make up for it with something later today. Also, Go Workout Mom has a "Goal Call Monday" to help keep Moms on task. She has little giveaways, too!