list of ways to stay positive in a troubled economy

I realize that our country is large and diverse. I know that what affects me here in Maine may not be the same for those in Kansas (my home state), for example. But if you seem to be experiencing some hard decisions and rough circumstances due to the current state of the economy, then here are some things you can do to get through it.

list of ways to stay positive in a troubled economy |

  1. Decide to do something new – maybe just as exciting, but for a smaller cost
  2. Get a fresh perspective – either try to look at the situation with new eyes, or actually talk with someone who might give you some new insight
  3. Brainstorm – alone or with your family, brainstorming can produce some amazing new ideas
  4. Eat together – gathering around the family table for a homemade dinner can bring enormous joy in the midst of stress and chaos
  5. Look for possibilities – they are endless, if we just are aware and paying attention

One response to “list of ways to stay positive in a troubled economy”

  1. heather says:

    Join the coupon craze & meal plan to make than buck stretch!

    (That's one of the things I've been trying to figure out how to get good at. A lot of my friends have jumped on this bandwagon and are now finding their grocery bills have been cut in half!! Nice, huh!)


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