This week, we published a post about how to use your 100 Days of Summertime eBook and create your own Summer Central Binder to make your summer planning simple and effective. Today, we want to offer you a chance to win a customized binder of your own! Plus, it will come with a printed, hole-punched copy of the 100 Days of Summertime 2012 eBook including all 31 of ListPlanIt‘s lists.

There are a few ways that you can enter to win.
- leave a comment here and tell us one tip you have for a fun and/or efficient summer.
- pin this post to one of your boards on Pinterest using the Pinterest button above, and then leave a comment here with a link to your pin. Be sure to follow our boards.
- tell your friends & followers about the 100 Days of Summertime eBook on Twitter (it’s easy to do with our share buttons below) and leave a comment here linking to your Twitter handle (be sure to follow @ListPlanIt, too),
- subscribe to ListPlanIt‘s RSS feed (RSS button in the header) using a reader or by email (get our posts delivered straight to your inbox) and leave a comment here,
- blog about this giveaway, then leave a comment here linking to your post,
- follow our page on Facebook and tell our entire community that you want to win a summer central binder by leaving the following message on our Facebook wall, “I’m hoping to win a Summer Central Binder from and plan to make this my best summer yet!”. Then be sure to leave a comment here,
One of each of these per day please. You have until Wednesday, June 6 at 6 pm EST to enter.
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My family always made a list of things we wanted to do over the summer, Ride a city bus was on the list for years (it took us a decade to finally pull off) and spend all day in your PJ’s was another that always made it. My mom calls it the “sand pail list” like a bucket list but just for the summer :)
I love it! We don’t have many city buses here in Maine, but I am adopting the one about wearing PJs all day long. Maybe that one should happen once a week :-)
Thanks for the giveaway!
1) This summer, I plan to still keep my 1-room-a-day cleaning schedule, and have the kids help me with that room BEFORE they go out & play! That way we should still keep some order in the house.
2) I’m subscribed to ListPlanIt through Google Reader RSS (my e-mail is [email protected])
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We enroll in the summer reading program at our library. It encourages reading for my otherwise not caring readers and they love the prizes they receive. It’s free and they earn coupons for free ice cream or pizza and such.
i just pinned the page! i’ve done everything but twitter and blog as i don’t have those. : )
Thanks for the chance to win! My best tip for summer – frozen grapes. They are just the right thing in many hot and humid situations.
I don’t know if this is a tip or not…but I say just relax. If you are lucky enough to be able to have time in the summer to be with family/friends then enjoy it. Responsibilities will continue, but let the little things go a little looser (sp) for a while. Enjoy the weather, flowers, gardens, beaches, friends and family. Soon enough we’ll be back to school, there will may be cold weather, plenty of things to make us busy all over again!!
I subscribed to the feed :)
One thing I do to have a fun summer is get the family pool pass! Cooling down and spending time with the family :)
Love the pool!
I think this book would really help this summer. I love the cover, very bright.
During summer, we make new morning and evening routines (for me and the kids) to prevent the house getting out of control while the kids are out of school.
I like to plan activity times and “down times” in advance.
1: My tip is to be organized and have a plan and backups
2: I Pinned you: and am following you too.
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4: I already folow you on FB and commented and shared
Hope I win!
Make a schedule and try to stick to it! I have 5 boys 10 and under…it’s a must!
[…] p.s. Win your own Summertime Binder at ListPlanit […]
I’ll be blogging about this on:
@lrwhitney (Twitter)
Close the computer!! I spend too much time looking for great ideas and not enough time actually doing them!!! Pick 2-3 activities and put them on the fridge to set a loose agenda.
Lindsey @
So true. I struggle with this as a work-at-home mom. I try to have clear times for work and play. And when it is play time, be there for play.
Just posted to my wall and your facebook page!!! I really hope I win!
Posted on Facebook!
Already am an email subscriber
One thing we are doing to have an efficient summer is have a schedule kind of like the school day – time for library, art, science, social studies, gym, quiet time, etc.
Hrmm….one tip? Well, my best advice would be to plan ahead and don’t over book activities.
I left the comment on your Facebook wall AND followed you as Heather O’Cain
I’m following you via Twitter and tweeted about this giveaway.
I already subscribe to your RSS feed.
oops, forgot to say I also followed you as Heather O’Cain
I pinned this post:
I am a subscriber to your list.
I subscribe by email. My tip is to remember to have fun and remember that even with the best planning, sometimes things don’t go as we had planned.
for summer time i find creating a calendar of events and having a general daily schedule makes the time go by slower, more productive, more fun! this year i’m due to have my second child on june 11th so the schedule is more for everyone around me and to make sure my first duaghter has fun activities!
*following on facebook and rss feed!
Congratulations! This will be an exciting, but probably low-key summer for your family, with a brand new baby.
Bummer! No Twitter or blog. Oh well, I’ll go with what I got!!
I’ve been subscribing to your RSS for a little while through Google. I love the convenience.
Just pinned on Pinterest, but I’m not sure how to link to it. :(
Good point. You can find the link to the pin when you click on it. The URL of that specific pin is the link. However, you can also just point us to your Pinterest profile so we can follow you, too.
Just posted on your facebook page! I really, really hope I win:)
My tip for a fun and efficient summer, is to try not to plan every little minute. When you over plan it’s a lot harder to get back on schedule if you get off. Having little blocks here and there that aren’t planned are perfect for playing catch up or just seeing where the day takes you.
That is definitely my strategy for routines. I like to have wiggle room. Thanks, Poppy!
we will keep moving ahead with our routines and schedules, just as women would long ago
I follow by email!
Schedule! Schedule!
I have four children – ages 15, 8, 6, and 4. To keep our schedule smooth, I have already made a list of all the places my kids love to visit (pool, aquarium, park, etc.) Each day of the week is dedicated to one of those places, and we visit it weekly. When my kids wake up, they know Tuesday is Aquarium Day. Most of the time, they’re already dressed and ready to go on their own. :)
And I’m hoping to win a Summer Central Binder from and plan to make this my best summer yet!
Corrie, I love it! What part of the world do you live? I wish we had an aquarium within easy distance of us. A little incentive to start the day goes a long way to a smooth summer. Thanks for sharing!
With three children (ages 10, 6, 5) we must create some type of routine for summer. But beyond our daily routine we do something “fun” every afternoon – Each day of vacation my kids take turns drawing a slip of paper out of a bucket (so, we might do finger painting, have a picnic, go to the beach, etc.). The possibilities are unlimited!
Love this part of your daily summer routine, Angie! My children are 10, 9, and 7. Makes for a fun and active summer, am I right?
I’m trying the routine route to keep them going in a more organized manner.
You won’t be sorry. If you are looking for ideas for a great summer routine, my bet is to visit this thread a little later. I’m sure there will be tons of great ideas here!