Even though many schools have an unwritten policy against giving teachers gifts, most people I know like to give their child’s teacher a gift of appreciation at the end of the year. Let me speak as a teacher myself…we have enough stuff that says #1 TEACHER on it…mugs, paperweights, ornaments and knickknacks – I have them all. That being said, some of them are very dear to me because of the student they came from. Maybe this year, you can get a little creative for your child’s beloved teacher.
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- Make it personal.
• Get to know your child’s teacher. I have been known to send my child’s teacher a survey in the beginning of the year to learn more about them…favorite color, how they like their coffee, favorite snack, restaurant, etc. Then I am ready with ideas to surprise them. - Pay attention to your child’s teacher.
• Does she always have her nails polished? Try a gift card for a manicure.
• Does she always have a cup of coffee in hand? Get a coffee shop gift card or a fun travel mug.
• Take a close look at the classroom…Maybe he needs a new pencil sharpener or sticky notes.
• Does she collect things?
• How about some personalized stationery? - Ask your child for input.
• When my daughter was in Kindergarten and the end of the year came around, I asked her what she thought her teacher needed. She told me that all of her teacher’s staplers were black and “boyish” and asked if we could get her something more “girlish”. I found a pink sequined stapler that fit the bill and is still something that teacher uses. She thinks of my daughter each year. - Go in on a gift with other parents in the room.
• The year I was presented with a Target gift certificate in the three digits left me speechless! - Include your child in the gift.
• We all know that teachers are not in the profession to make the big bucks. They are teachers because they love children.
• Have your child write a heartfelt letter or poem to the teacher.
• Shoot a photo of your child and his/her teacher together. Present it in a “class”-y frame.
Whatever you decide to do, be sure to write a thank-you note to your child’s teacher. For the past 180 days they took care of your child – what a gift! (and send a copy to the school’s principal as well so he can see what an amazing person he has on staff!)
What are your favorite ideas for gifts for teachers?