Listing Your Way to Efficiency

You know we are big fans of checklists here! Checklists are the greatest way to get organized for any occasion. Most of us make a grocery list before going to the store, why not make a list for everything else in our lives? The benefits greatly outweigh the time that it may take to make one. The more checklists that you make, the quicker you will get at it.

Here are our favorite checklists! And, we did all of the work for you!

Checklist for everyday. Start your mornings by making a list of all the things that you need to accomplish each day. Carry it with you and mark each item off when completed. This will give a great feeling of accomplishment and closure.

Seasonal household maintenance. Develop a seasonal household maintenance list divided by the seasons. Each season may have a day to change the filter on your central air unit. Check the list a few months in advance to see if you need to schedule specific maintenance people to do a job for you.

Weekly cleaning list. A weekly cleaning list should be developed and hung on the wall for everyone to see. Beside each job include the person’s name that is accountable for the job that week. Make sure they mark off the job when completed.

Car Maintenance checklist. Schedule times when you need to make appointments for an oil change and general car maintenance.

Developing checklists for your life will go a long way in reducing stress. Having a list will also make it easier to assign tasks to other people in your household. Once you start making checklists, you will wonder how you ever lived without them.

Looking for more checklists? We’ve got plenty! 

Members to ListPlanIt will find the lists they need to put their home in order in Home Management.  Not yet a member?  Join today and get your home and family organized.

Stephanie Glover: