update 10/26/2011

It has been quite some time since I’ve done a video. That is one of my goals in the following months. You should begin to see more tutorials and more updates about new things here at You will likely see me and you may also see the honored guest of this video (that is until she is too big for me to hold).

If you have any questions or any suggestions for new lists or videos here at, the comment section below is the perfect place to put them. Don’t be shy! You can also visit our Facebook page at and leave your comments and questions there. We want to hear from you! Thanks for watching.

2 responses to “ update 10/26/2011”

  1. Welcome home Jen! So happy that you had such a wonderful experience traveling! Good for you and your family.

  2. Sharing Ink says:

    I’m glad you will be doing more “how to” videos and how you set up your planners.


So you can get your list on.

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